Ultimate Cheerleaders


The A-Town Calendar Shoot

amy1_thumbPhoto and video coverage

NHS Graduate a Finalist for Cavs Calendar Cover

casscavsCassandra is one of three finalists for the cover.

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Calendar Release Party…in The Bahamas

dccswimExclusive Release and Signing Party at the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island.

Vote for the Cavaliers Cover Girl

2009-cavs-calendar-vote_thumbFans Can Now Cast Their Vote for 2009-10 Cavalier Girl Calendar Cover Girl

Ben-Gals Calendar Release Party

katheryn-and-maria_thumbCalendar photos and pics from the party.

Buffalo Jills Calendar Release Party

jillsmallPhil has photos and video from the party.

On The Flipside: NFL Cheerleader Calendars

aubreysmall1The Dolphins Cheerleaders, Cowboys Cheerleaders and Raiderettes calendar trips!

Washington Wizard Girls Visit the Caribbean

wizgirls17Photos from their trip to the British Virgin Islands.

The Ben-Gals’ Cheerleaders 2009-2010 calendar is published

calFor fans of the Cincinnati-based NFL cheerleaders for the Bengals, the long wait is over.

Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders Calendar Release Party

ravenssignPhotos from the Party!