Ultimate Cheerleaders

Denver Outlaws

The Denver Outlaws Cheerleaders during the MLL playoff weekend

I finally had my chance to right a wrong that I had committed against the Denver Outlaws Cheerleaders way back in 2010.  I was shooting the Major League Lacrosse playoffs in Annapolis, and back then I was still shooting film. The temperature at Army-Navy Stadium reached about 105 degrees on the field and even though […]

2011 Denver Outlaws Dancers

The 2011 Denver Broncos Cheerleader audition process didn’t just include the cheerleaders. The tryouts also resulted in the selection of this year’s Denver Outlaws dancers. The Outlaws are a Major League Lacrosse Franchise, and the dancers perform at all of their home games and represent the team in the community. Congratulations! Back row: Emily, Nikki, […]

The Denver Outlaws Dance Team

Despite stiffing heat and humidity, the Denver Outlaws met the Long Island Lizards during the Major League Lacrosse semi-finals held in Annapolis, Maryland. Unfortunately, while the win went to the  Lizards, the Denver Outlaws Dance Team were on hand to wow the crowd. Director Brieanna Mercer is a 4-year veteran of the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders. […]

Audition Two-fer for Denver Dancers

teresashearhsAudition for the Broncos Cheerleaders and the Denver Outlaws Dance Team