Ultimate Cheerleaders

Frankfurt Galaxy

Galactic Dancers at the Battle of Cologne XV

Michael Fischer, our European Correspondent, has sent us some news and photos regarding the state of German Cheerleading.   This season, the Galactic Dancers (headed by Tamara Kurti) have gotten support from former U.S. pro cheerleader and model Christine Lynn C. from Honolulu.     Christine studied Fine Arts at the California State University at […]

Photo of the Day – April 12

A Galactic Dancer

Galactic Dancers Auditions

On Sunday, the 2010/2011 Galactic Dancers Audition came to a successful end. From over 50 participants 30 cheerleaders were chosen for the Galactic Dance Team. The auditions took place in the winter sports hall near the Commerzbank arena in Frankfurt. Some candidates had already participated in the run-up to two clinics. Coach Jasmin Felsenheim was […]