Ultimate Cheerleaders


Director Opportunity in Omaha

The search is on for a Cheerleader Director for a brand new major league team in Omaha, Nebraska.  For those interested and would like more information on this exciting opportunity, please contact Peggy Williams of Professional Cheerleaders Alumni, Inc. at 407.625.8014 or peggy@procheerleadersalumni.com before April 19th.

UFL Seeks Sacramento Cheerleader Director

The United Football League continues to ramp up for the 2010 season. The search is now on for a Cheerleader Director for the new Sacramento Mountain Lions. The season will run from September through November and there will be approximately 5 home games. Interested candidates should have a bio/resume and head shot, two letters of […]

United Football League to Have Cheerleaders in 2010

Director sought for Hartford Colonials Franchise Great News! For its second season the United Football League (UFL) is going to have cheerleaders. The league has already named Billie O’Hara as its Cheer and Dance Development Director and the Cheer Director for the Orlando Tuskers franchise. Billie is a former Orlando Magic Dancer and is also […]

UNGL Cheerleader/Dance Team Auditions

unglAuditions later this month in Dallas, Miami, Virginia, Carolina and Ohio. Plus the search is on for choreographers.

San Jose Wolves Seek Dance Team Coordinator

sjwolvesIf you ever wanted a chance to direct…

Ogden (UT) Knights Seek Dance Team Director

ladknightsIf you ever wanted a chance to direct…

The Manchester Millrats Seeks a New Dance Team Coordinator

millratsIinterviews are this weekend.

UNGL Cheerleader/Dance Auditions (Update)

unglFirst tryouts are in Ohio on October 18th.

UNGL Cheerleader/Dance Auditions

ungllogoA new pro football league is looking for Cheerleaders, Dancers, Directors and Choreographers!

Baltimore Mariners Seek Dance/Cheerleading Team Coordinator

ladymarinersIf you’ve ever wanted a chance to direct, here’s your chance.