Ultimate Cheerleaders

New England Patriots

Former Patriots Cheerleader Wins Baking Contest with Chocolate Chip Cookies

patscookie21st place at the 160th annual Brooklyn Fair

SI Gallery Update

2009_si_cbc_1thumbThere’s new stuff on the Sports Illustrated website.

October is breast cancer awareness month

2009-bca-month_thumbShow your pink!

Salem State grad embarks on final season as Patriot cheerleader

juliewarner1The screaming fans. The noise and excitement of Foxboro Stadium. Cheering on the hometown New England Patriots, a winning franchise. Travel around the globe.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, right?

Uniform Poll: New England Patriots Cheerleaders

patssmallWhadya Think?

Pats Game Day Action

2009patsaction_4Patriots.com has new photos from the team’s home opener.

2009 Pats Cheerleaders

pats-2009_thumbCheck out the new team photo

Former Stoneham High Student Joins New England Patriots Cheerleaders

jenpatriotsJen was named to the squad on her 21st birthday.

Pats Cheerleaders @ the “Paw Wash”

2009-pats-paw-wash_6thumbPats Cheerleaders help raise money for the MSPCA

Gloucester’s Warner embarks on Final Season as Patriot Cheerleader

juliepats1New England Patriots Cheerleaders can cheer for a maximum of three years.