Ultimate Cheerleaders

New York Jets

SI Gallery Update – Throwback Edition

This week, SportsIllustrated.com takes us back to the 60s. Click here.] The young lady below is a cheerleader for the Denver Broncos. I can scarce believe my eyes – the DBC rocked the blue top and white, fringed, star-spangled vest before the Cowboys Cheerleaders did it? Who knew?

Jets’ Flight Crew:
Time to Sign up to Get Your Kicks as a Cheerleader

By Kate Nocera and Oren Yaniv New York Daily News The nation’s best football talents are getting ready for the NFL draft this week – but that’s not the only game in town. Hundreds of dancers are gearing up for a shot at gridiron glory, too, as members of the Jets’ Flight Crew cheerleading squad. […]

New York Jets Flight Crew to expand for 2010 Season

jets2009“For all of the fans who’ve followed the New York Jets Flight Crew since its creation in 2007, it should come as no surprise that the Green & White are once again expanding the size of their cheerleading squad…”

The Jets Set

jetscrewMembers of the Flight Crew to teach fitness class.

SI Gallery Update – NFL

2009_si_sdc_2Photos from NFL week #17

SI Gallery Update – NFL

2009_si_nyj_1Week 15 photos

Monday Morning Cheerleader – Ann-Marie of the Jets Flight Crew

annmariesmallAnn-Marie talks about the Jets and cheering in the cold.

2010 Pro Bowl Representatives: The Jets Flight Crew

meri3Congratulations, Meredith!

SI Gallery Update

2009_si_bbcc_1thumbPhotos from week 12

NFL.com update

2009nfl_titans1Photos from week 12. (It’s week 12 already???)