Ultimate Cheerleaders


Mel Impresses Miss World judges

From The Queensland Times Ipswich probation and parole officer Melanie Dawson has wowed beauty pageant judges with her personality, looks and gorgeous smile to be crowned the state’s Miss World Australia winner. Miss Dawson captured the hearts of judges as she completed a rigorous interview process, a solo cabaret dance performance from the musical Chicago, […]

NRL Cheer Squads

nrlsmallA look at how they cheer Down Under.

Warrior Takes Crown

daniellenzDanielle is the NRL Cheer Girl of the Year!

Cowboys Cheer Squad get into the Spirit for ’09

By Natalie Peut Townsville Bulletin A new name, a new costume and new flavour will be seen centre-stage at Dairy Farmers Stadium as the North Queensland Cowboys cheer-squad kick-starts their season. The new-look cheer-squad `The Spirit’ will take to the field providing exciting routines, while encouraging the crowd to get behind their favourite team. The […]