Ultimate Cheerleaders

Oakland Raiders

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Tori

Today, photos of Tori of the Oakland Raiderettes, with a few fun facts, to boot: 1) Tori is in her fourth season with the Raiderettes 2) Tori is 100% NFL approved Fabulous! 3) Tori describes herself as a tomboy 4) According to the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, the noun “tomboy” (formed by joining the […]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Sarah

Today, photos of Sarah of the Oakland Raiderettes, plus some fun facts: 1) Sarah is in her fourth season as a Raiderette 2) No further review is needed, NFL rules and obviousness of fact clearly indicate that Sarah is Fabulous 3) Sarah has been a flight attendant for about five years 4) Heinrich Kubis was […]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Caitlin

Today, fun facts and photos about Caitlin of the Oakland Raiderettes. Here are seven fun facts about Caitlin: 1) Caitlin is in her fourth season as a Raiderette 2) By NFL definition and obviousness of fact, Caitlin is Fabulous 3) Caitlin studied and performed with the San Francisco Ballet School from ages six to nineteen […]

Photo of the Day – October 4

Raiderettes during their first home game

Raiderettes reign over Raiderville and cheer on their team to a home debut week 2 win

The first signs of the significant influence of the Oakland Raiderettes, Football’s Fabulous Females, prior to last Sunday’s home win against Jacksonville was the presence of scores of uniformed Junior Raiderettes (perhaps Gridiron’s Gifted Girls?), from tots to teens, excitedly heading to their on-field performance appointment through the parking lots and from the BART station […]

Anjelah Johnson: The Homecoming Show

Anjelah Johnson’s new DVD is coming out today. From the description at Amazon.com Former Oakland Raiderette turned stand-up comedienne, Anjelah Johnson has been dazzling audiences on the big screen, on television and during her live performances across America with her hysterical characters and ironic humor. With a huge female following and the ability to cross […]

Raiderette Nation

Raiderette Nation Tiffany Yasus The Capitol Morning Report September 10, 2013 Two staffers from Sen. Steve Knight’s Capitol office share more than a passion for politics. They have both cheered on the Oakland Raiders from the sidelines. Communications Specialist Ali F. sported the black and silver uniform of an Oakland Raiderette from 2004 to 2008 […]

Psst! Attention Oakland Raiderettes!

(The rest of y’all can ignore this.) Several weeks ago, Dave (one of our main contributors) said he was fieldtrippin’ to Oakland to catch some Raiderette action for the blog. Since we haven’t had a ton of original Raiderette content on the site, I thought that was a capital idea. I remembered corresponding with Jeanette […]

NFL Cheerleader Preseason Photos – week 3

Click here for photos from week 3!

2013 Bud Light Raiderette – Brandi

At the Raiderette Calendar unveiling earlier this week, the Raiders also revealed this year’s Bud Light Raiderette – Brandi. Brandi, in her second year with Football’s Fabulous Females, could hardly believe she was chosen to represent the team. “Unreal. I was shaking when I found out,” said Brandi. “All last year my dad made sure […]