Oakland Raiders
Once a Raiderette – Always a Raiderette!
By Sophie Braccini Lamorinda Weekly November 7th, 2012 Cathy Corsi, owner of Moraga’s Si Si Caffe and C.C. & Co. Hair Designs, danced in the center of the Oakland Coliseum Sunday, October 21, in front of thousands of Oakland Raiders fans during a recent halftime show as part of the 50th anniversary celebration of the […]
2012-13 Oakland Raiderettes
Updated profiles for this year’s team have been posted on Raiders.com. Click here to go there now!
Photo of the Day – September 4
2011 Pro Bowl Raiderette Natalie
SI.com: NFL Cheerleaders (NFC)
Last week, the Sports Illustrated NFL cheerleader gallery was all about the AFC. Now it’s time for the ladies of the NFC to shine. Click here to check out the photo gallery.
NFL.com: NFL Cheerleaders (Best of Preseason)
NFL.com has fired up its cheerleader galleries for 2012-13. This first week, they feature cheerleaders from all across the league. Click here to go there now.
Gimme a C! Raiderette cheers for comedy now
Judith Salkin Desert Post Weekly August 23, 2012 You don’t often see professional cheerleader and comedian together on the same résumé. Transitioning from the Oakland Raiders Raiderettes squad to the stand-up stage wasn’t part of Anjelah Johnson’s career plan at 21, either. But a week after cheering the team on at Super Bowl XXXVII in […]
NFL teams attracting older cheerleaders in try-outs for Dallas Cowboys, Cincinnati Bengals and Oakland Raiders
Laura Stone TheStar.com 5/13/2012 Sharon Simmons knew she had to be a cheerleader when she donned an outfit for the Dallas Cowboys squadat a fitness competition in Las Vegas. That’s when the long-ago dreams of really wielding pom-poms for the blue-and-white-clad NFL cheerleading team came rushing back. “I thought at that very moment, ‘I need […]
San Bruno Woman Joins Raiderettes
By Martin Ricard San Bruno Patch 5/1/2012 Courtney Chin has always wanted to be a professional cheerleader since she was a young girl. Now, the San Bruno native has finally reached that goal, being selected as a Raiderette in April for the 2012 NFL season. Chin competed in a weeklong audition and interviews in a […]
Raiderette Preliminary Auditions
By Rebecca Corman Raiders.com Apr 16, 2012 [Photo Gallery] The preliminary audition for Football’s Fabulous Females was held on Sunday at the Hilton Oakland Airport. Nearly 300 candidates attended in the hopes of making it to the finals on April 22. “We’ve had women come in that pre-registered and walked in and they’re willing to […]
2012 Raiderette Prep Class
Raiders.com Apr 9, 2012 The Raiderette Audition Prep Class was held this past Saturday with nearly 100 participants taking part at the Holiday Inn Oakland Airport. [Check out the prep class photos] The Raiderette Audition Prep Class was held this past Saturday with nearly 100 participants taking part at the Holiday Inn Oakland Airport. The […]