Oakland Raiders
2015 Raiderettes Announced
Final auditions for the Oakland Raiderettes concluded last night with the announcement of this year’s team. Click here to see who made the team Click here for photos
Scenes from Raiderette Auditions
The first round of auditions for the 2015-16 Oakland Raiderettes took place today. Click here for a few photos from the event on Raiders.com!
Former Oakland Raiderette Michelle Murphy
Recently I had the pleasure of working with ex-Raiderette Michelle Murphy. We did headshots since she’s moving to LA to pursue acting and dance. [Michelle’s Gallery]
Michelle is the 2015 Pro Bowl Raiderette
The 2014 Raiderette Awards were announced at half time last weekend, and it was revealed that 3rd year veteran Michelle is Raiderette of the year. As such, she will represent her teammates at the Pro Bowl in Phoenix next month. Congrats Michelle!
2014-15 Oakland Raiderettes
The Raiders website has been updated with individual profiles for this season’s Raiderettes! Looks like they’ve gone a bit creative with the uniform photos this year. They almost look like illustrations rather than photographs. Fancy stuff! Click here to learn more about the team.
Photo of the Day – September 10
The Oakland Raiderettes last September
Oakland Raiders Settle Lawsuit Filed By Raiderette Cheerleaders
Bay City News NBC Bay Area September 4, 2014 The Oakland Raiders have agreed to pay $1.25 million to settle a class action lawsuit that was filed by cheerleaders who alleged that the football team was violating state labor laws, including failing to pay the minimum wage, both sides said in a joint news release […]
Raiderette Squad Named After Two-Day Audition
The 2014 Raiderette auditions took place this past weekend in the East Side Club at O.co Coliseum. Candidates traveled from all over to compete for a spot on this season’s squad of Football’s Fabulous Females. After preliminary cuts on Saturday, the finalists were interviewed on Sunday by a panel of judges to gauge their personality, […]
Raiderette Finals
Prelims one day, finals the next. The Raiderettes are getting a late start this season, so they’ve got to keep this moving. The team will be announced tomorrow. In the meantime, check out this gallery on Raiders.com. (click here to watch Autumn, a veteran Raiderette werq that choreography.)