Ultimate Cheerleaders

Oakland Raiders

Raiders cheerleader sues, says pay is less than $5 an hour

Bob Egelko San Francisco Chronicle January 22, 2014 The Oakland Raiders didn’t give their fans much to cheer about during the football season, and now one of the team’s cheerleaders says they’re being shortchanged as well. Lacy T. accused the Raiders in a lawsuit Wednesday of failing to pay the Raiderettes minimum wages for the […]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Tracy

Today, we feature photos of wonderful Raiderette Tracy, along with a few fun facts meant to illuminate the mind and dazzle the senses: • Tracy is a Raiderette rookie, but also danced next door to O.co Coliseum at Oracle Arena as a Warrior Girl • The Raiders had another Tracy on their roster, cornerback Tracy […]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Natalie

Today, we feature photos of superstar Raiderette Natalie, along with fun facts meant to illuminate the mind and dazzle the senses: • Natalie is in her sixth season with the Raiderettes • Art Shell was the last Raiders head coach to be serve six or more seasons, and Art coached in both LA and Oakland […]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Noriko

Today, photos of a true UltimateCheerleader, Noriko of the Oakland Raiderettes, with a few fun facts, designed to delight and amaze: • Noriko is in her rookie season with the Raiderettes • In fact, Noriko was named 2013 Raiderette Rookie of the Year! • Only two Raiders have won the AP NFL Rookie of the […]

Oakland Raiderettes Season Finale

Reader Andrew as at the Raiders season finale and shares a few photos of the Raiderettes in Raiderville with us. [Raiderette Gallery] [Raiderettes at Raiders.com]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Sarah Marie

Today, photos of the multi-talented Sarah Marie of the Oakland Raiderettes, with a few fun facts, designed to entertain and inform: • Sarah Marie is in her fifth season as a Raiderette • Sarah Marie recently graduated from law school and works in the District Attorney’s office • The most famous television attorneys working in […]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Courtney

Today, photos of Courtney of the Oakland Raiderettes, a young woman with a truly cheer-full life, along with a few fun facts, designed to delight and amaze: -Courtney is doubly fabulous, in her second season as one of Football’s Fabulous Females -Courtney hails from San Bruno, California -Bruno Mars was named Billboard’s top artist of […]

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Brandi

Today, photos of true Raiders fan Brandi of the Oakland Raiderettes, with a few fun facts, designed to delight and amaze: • Brandi is in her second season as a Raiderette • The name of the beverage known as “brandy” comes from “brandywine,” derived from Dutch brandewijn, or “burnt wine.” It is a spirit produced […]

Photo of the Day – December 12

A Los Angeles Raiderette

It’s more than a sideline, featuring Raiderette Jen

Today, photos of Jen of the Oakland Raiderettes, with a few fun facts, designed to delight and amaze: 1. Jen is in her second season with the Raiderettes 2. Jen is from Santa Cruz 3. Santa cruises on Christmas Eve guided by flying reindeer 4. L. Frank Baum’s The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, […]