Ultimate Cheerleaders

Omaha Nighthawks

Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleader Auditions Are This Saturday

Omaha Nighthawks Invite Fans to Attend Cheerleader Finals at the Nebraska Furniture Mart

They are the year-round face of the franchise and favorites of the fans of the United Football League and this coming weekend the search for the Omaha Nighthawks cheerleading class of 2011 reaches its climax. The Nighthawks will hold the team’s cheerleading tryouts final at the Nebraska Furniture Mart at 11am on Saturday, April 23 […]

Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleader Angie Featured in New Fila Ad

The original video has been pulled down, but you can see Angie in the same video here: http://www.poptent.net/media/20964 and here’s another one: http://www.poptent.net/media/18644 [Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleaders]

Nighthawks Cheerleading Talent Search Completed

by Kat Welch, Public Relations Manager United Football League July 1, 2010 In front of a crowd of more than 500 Omaha Nighthawks UFL fans at the Westroads Mall, 32 talented, passionate and energetic local young women were selected as the new Omaha cheerleading squad. Becoming a Ladyhawk was no easy feat as 75 eager […]

YHS grad selected for Omaha Nighthawks cheer squad

By Candace Blomendahl York News-Times July 13, 2010 OMAHA — Janelle DeBoer, a 2004 York High School graduate, was recently selected as one of the 32 new Omaha Nighthawks cheerleaders. The squad will be cheering for the new Omaha Nighthawks UFL football team this fall at Rosenblatt Stadium. Seventy-five women took part in the first […]

Shan Stavropoulos & The Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleaders Auditions

Shan  Stavropoulos, the Director of the UFL  Omaha Nighthawks Cheerleaders, started dancing when she was 4 years old in Walnut Creek, California prior to moving to Omaha, NE. She then became a member of her high school’s cheer team, and dance team. Shan accumulated several dance team awards with her Ralston Ram High School Pom […]