Ultimate Cheerleaders


In her seventh season, Bloomington Edge Dancer Alice steps up to the mike….

…or maybe more accurately, Alice steps upstairs with a mike. The Bloomington Edge Dance Team’s Alice is in her seventh season with the squad that performs at the Indoor Football League games, but 2012 has hardly been just another season for her. Since Alice was featured in UltimateCheerleaders last season, there have been some notable […]

Bloomington Edge Dancer Rachel lives, and gives, a life of music

As a musical director at an elementary school, Rachel utilizes the “Orff Schulwerk” method, which combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to a child’s world of play. Rachel not only teaches this unified view of arts and life, she lives life with an “Orff Schulwerk” approach! With a degree in […]

Wilmington Sea Dolls Dance and Cheer Team Open Tryouts

The Wilmington Sea Dolls, the dance and cheer team of the Wilmington Sea Dawgs, are pleased to announce open audition interview/tryouts for the upcoming 2010-2011 season to be held on Saturday, September 11th at 3:00 pm at A Leap Above Dance Studio which is located at 5015 Wrightsville Avenue in Wilmington, NC. Stacey Bell, Choreographer […]

Lady Greenhawks Auditions set for September 11th in DC

Maryland Green Hawks Dance Team

greensmallPhotos from a recent game!

Busted Computer, Busy Weekend

weeeknsmallEagles Cheerleaders, Smokin’ Hot Steam Team, Green Hawks Dance Team, KiXX Dance Team and a busted motherboard.

Maryland Greenhawks Dance Team

greenhawkssmallBios and photos of the team.

Lady GreenHawks

greenhawksFriends of the blog Bea Codjoe, Jane Johnson and Audra Weaver are working with a new dance team.

Lady Greenhawk Dance Team Auditions

greenhawksTryouts are Saturday, November 14th!

The Manchester Millrats Seeks a New Dance Team Coordinator

millratsIinterviews are this weekend.