Ultimate Cheerleaders


Singer/Songwriter Heidi of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders releases her first EP, “My Stupid Heart”

Heidi followed her heart from California to Nashville to pursue her musical dream. A former cheerleader for the 49ers, Heidi moved to Tennessee and has been a Titans Cheerleader for the past three seasons, all the while also fulfilling her passion as a singer/songwriter. UltimateCheerleaders has followed Heidi from her rookie Titans season to taking […]

Star Spangled Ben-Gal: Fourth year veteran Dana delights fans with singing of the National Anthem

Last Sunday prior to the Bengals-Browns game, Dana of the Ben-Gals performed the Star-Spangled Banner, which was especially important as the NFL was honoring US veterans in stadia across the nation. Dana has a BFA in theatre and dance from the University of Miami (FL), and is an Outreach Consultant for a higher education software […]

Titans Cheerleader Heidi is ready to high kick start the next phase of her musical journey

Last fall, we featured Heidi of the Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders. Heidi is a native Californian who formerly was part of the 49ers’ Gold Rush, but journeyed east to Nashville to pursue her musical dreams. Heidi’s career continues to progress, including trying out for America’s Got Talent in December and making it through the Nashville City […]

Bloomington Edge Dancer Rachel lives, and gives, a life of music

As a musical director at an elementary school, Rachel utilizes the “Orff Schulwerk” method, which combines music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons that are similar to a child’s world of play. Rachel not only teaches this unified view of arts and life, she lives life with an “Orff Schulwerk” approach! With a degree in […]

Give the brand new Danger Love Saint video a test “Drive”

During last year’s NFL season, UltimateCheerleaders had the wonderful opportunity to interview three Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders who comprised the country girl group, Danger Love Saint, and learned their path from an idea to musically deal with off-season performance antsiness to eventually become the Titans Cheerleaders performance band. During the time we were interviewing them for […]

Ali Dee Needs Your Help to Produce Her First CD!

Former Sea Gal and Sonics Dancer Ali Dee makes her case: Hi its me, Ali Dee, a singer/songwriter from Texas and CMT’s Texas Women 🙂 I am ready to share my new music with the world!!! Only one little teensy weensy problem… I need your help to raise to moola to make it happen!! Record […]

Danger Love Saint, Part 2: Three Voices, Three Personalities, One Sisterhood

Jumping full force into the Nashville music scene with their debut single, “Drive,” Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders Bri, Clair, and Jessi comprise the female country group, Danger Love Saint. Though they came together to form the group over the past couple of years, Danger Love Saint is the culmination of each of their individual, lifelong passions […]

Danger Love Saint, Part 1: The World of Jessi

If you are looking for some “Drive,” look no further than Danger Love Saint. Three third-year Tennessee Titans Cheerleaders, Bri, Clair, and Jessi, formed Danger Love Saint, their Nashville based trio, and they have the drive to put their heart and soul into their musical venture, the drive to have maximal fun during this adventure, […]

Angie’s List of Accomplishments Goes Beyond Singing to Include Titans Cheerleader

Singing is a core part of Angie’s soul, but she listens to her heart on how best to progress towards her musical goals. Therefore, her path does not always take the steps that others expect. So far, the journey that started in her hometown near Bay City, Michigan, has taken Angie to Nashville, aka “Music […]

Former Dolphins Cheerleader in Adaras Magazine

Former Miami Dolphins Cheerleader turned rocker Melissa Burnos is interviewed about her music career in the latest issue of Adaras Magazine. The online version of the interview is posted in one of those fancy e-magazines that’s impossible to cut and past, but you can read it all here. [Melissa at MySpace] [Melissa at itunes] [Melissa […]