Ultimate Cheerleaders

Texas Legends

2013-2014 Texas Legends Dancer Announcement

Legends Dancers Receive Call-Up to Mavericks, Cowboys

From The Texas Legends Website: The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have announced their 2013-14 roster which includes a former Texas Legends Dancer. Courtni Wedeman was a member of the 2012-13 Legends Dance Team directed by Jen Contreras and Next Step Dance. This was Courtni’s first season as a Legends’ dancer as she made the team straight […]

Texas Legends Dancers Auditions are Sunday, July 24th

[Texas Legends Dancers]

Meet the Texas Legends Dancers!

Introducing: Texas Legends Dancers, under the direction of Leslie Shaw-Hatchard The team began in February of 2010 with 6 dancers. In August of 2010, the team became complete with the addition of 6 more dancers. The dancers perform at all Texas Legends home games at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, TX, and can also […]

Texas Legends Dance Team Auditions

The Texas Legends, an NBA D-League, will be hosting auditions for their dance team this Sunday in Frisco, TX. Leslie Shaw Hatchard, is the director and choreographer for the dance team. She is a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, Dallas Mavericks Dancer and was also the director for the Side Kicks Sizzle. The dancers will be […]

2010-11 NBA D-League Frisco Dancer Auditions

friscoAuditions for the inaugural Dance Team are this Sunday!

Frisco (TX) NBDL Cheer and Dance Auditions

friscoAuditions are Wednesday (Yes, this Wednesday!)