Ultimate Cheerleaders

USA Sevens

Photo of the Day – June 2

Ashley of the USA Sevens Sweethearts at PPL Park on Saturday

Photo of the Day – June 3

From Sunday – Elisa of the USA Sevens Sweethearts at the College Rugby Championship

Photo of the Day – May 8

Nadia of the USA Sevens Sweethearts

Photo of the Day – September 13

USA Sweethearts April and Cary

The USA Sevens Sweethearts

The USA Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship, a faster version of the sport with just seven players on each side, was held at Chester, PA’s PPL Park on the first weekend in June. And what’s a sporting event without a dance team? So the USA Sevens Sweethearts were born! If the USA Sevens Sweethearts look familiar […]