Ultimate Cheerleaders

Washington Redskins

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Audition Photos

We continue our coverage of NFL cheerleader auditions with a look at the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders, the First Ladies of Football.  They have posted a gallery of images from their preliminary auditions and if you want to see the gallery, please click here.

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

2019 Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Auditions

Auditions Schedule Are you ready for auditions? Prep Classes are the best way to prepare for auditions and grant the opportunity to learn different styles of dance while training with professional instructors. Click here to learn more about our amazing Prep Classes! All of the preliminary audition rounds and finalist rehearsals will be held at […]

2019 Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Audition Prep Classes

Join the First Ladies of Football to prepare for auditions through our amazing Prep Classes! Prep Classes are a great way to meet outgoing people and work on fitness and dance. Classes grant the opportunity to learn different styles of dance while training with professional instructors. Select classes open with workout or dance technique sessions […]

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

2019 Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Pro Bowl Representative

Random NFL Cheerleader Pic of the Day

NFL Regular Season Week 14 – The Washington Redskins Cheerleaders

The Washington Redskins were resoundingly defeated by the New York Giants, 40 – 16, and there wasn’t much positive to say, so we should probably move along and get to this week’s Washington Redskins Cheerleaders photos.  Click here to view the Redskins game day gallery of images. Nothing more says “Happy Holidays” than a pretty […]