Ultimate Cheerleaders


Photo of the Day – February 6

Belissa of the NJ Ironmen Dancers

Detroit Ignition Dance Team Tryouts

sparkignitionAuditions for the XSL Detroit Ignition Dance Team are Sunday, August 9th.

New Jersey Ironmen/Devils Dance Team Auditions

imsmallNJ Ironmen and NJ Devil Dance Team Auditions are Sunday, August 2nd.

Detroit Ignition Dancer Wins Miss Michigan Pageant

sparkmiss2009_nicoleblaszczykNicole Blaszczyk, a Dancer for the XSL Detroir Michigan was crowned Miss Michigan this past weekend.

Amanda Gardella Selected as New Director of Ironmen Dancers

Knicks City Dancer Amanda was named Director of the Ironmen Dancers. She danced for the Ironmen in 2008 and has also been a NY Titans Siren.