The Laker Girls at the 2013 NBA Nation Tour

The NBA Nation Tour was in Los Angeles this weekend and on Sunday, it was the Laker Girls turn to wow the fans in attendance.  It’s a rare opportunity to see them up close and personal and even rarer that you can see them performing in a venue other than the Staples Center.  So, I decided to make a return engagement to Universal City Walk to photograph the most renown dance team in the NBA.

I enjoy photographing the Laker Girls because there is an understated elegance to them, but at the same time they are sexy and beautiful, as an NBA dance team should be.  They kind of remind me of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders in an organizational way…the way they carry themselves and they’re uniforms…classy and yet sexy at the same time.  I know, it doesn’t make sense, but if you saw them in person and the way they comport themselves, you’d know what I mean.  And anytime I get the chance to photograph the Laker Girls, I avail myself to this rare opportunity.

On Sunday, the girls arrived a little before 3:00 pm and immediately took to center court for two rousing, but brief dances.

At the conclusion of their performances, the Laker Girls (Brandi, Dara, Jenny, Julie, Melissa and Shelbie) retired to the NBA Nation trailer to autograph mini posters and pose for a few photographs with the fans.

The line for autographs was long and the Laker Girls stayed for the full hour to accommodate the fans who were queued up.  In fact they stayed longer than Golden State Warrior Klay Thompson, who ducked out after about a half an hour.  So, kudos to the Laker Girls for their dedication to their fans.

Well, that’s all from this year’s NBA Nation Tour.  It’s an event mainly for the kids, but there are a couple of things to attract the adult NBA fan….namely the Laker Girls.  If the NBA Nation Tour stops on by your city, drop on by and support your local NBA dance team.  They work really hard to provide entertainment for their fans and to promote the team throughout their communities.

About the Author

David Tyau, National Correspondent

One thought on "The Laker Girls at the 2013 NBA Nation Tour"

  1. MN says:

    Thanks David!! Nice Pics.

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