Ultimate Cheerleaders

Teen Realizes Dream to Join Raptor Dance Pak

Lisa Tallyn
Georgetown Independent & Free Press

dancepakSarah Chapman has wanted to be a member of the Toronto Raptors Dance Pak since she was 12.

That dream came true for the 18-year-old Georgetown girl last week when she was notified she had made the team.

“I’m ecstatic,” said Chapman who is already practising with the Pak, in preparation for the start of the National Basketball Association season in October.

“I feel like I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”

Chapman tried out for the junior team six years ago, made it to the finals, but was cut before landing a spot on the team.

“I definitely did it for the experience,” said Chapman.

The junior team was eliminated, so Chapman didn’t try out again until last year.

At that time, again she made it to the final, but wasn’t picked for the Pak because she wasn’t yet 18.

But that didn’t stop her from trying out again this year.

On Sunday, July 26 she and 139 other hopefuls danced their hearts out at the Air Canada Centre vying for a coveted spot on the 15-member squad.

The field was narrowed to 50, then 30, then 15. Fourteen dancers were chosen for the Pak— Chapman wasn’t one of them— but she and four others were selected to participate in the People’s Dance Pak Choice competition in which the public selects the winning dancer.
Chapman was deflated when she learned the team had opted not to go forward with the public choice promotion, but she was elated to hear back a day later that after reviewing the dancers she was offered the last spot on the Pak.

“It’s very overwhelming, but it’s really exciting. It’s like a whole new chapter of my life.”

“I’ve danced forever,” said Chapman, a graduate of Mayfield Secondary School, who has studied dance since she was five . She began her training at the Joanne Chapman School of Dance and currently attends Center Stage School of Dance in Georgetown where she also teaches several classes.

She said she has always thought, “it would be such a dream to dance for a living.”

Chapman’s been busy rehearsing with the Pak and says she’s the shortest and youngest member of the team.

“It’s really fun. The girls are really welcoming,” said Chapman.
She’ll be busy— rehearsing for three hours, three days a week and performing at one to two games a week from October through the end of April.

On top of that, she’ll be attending George Brown College where she’s studying Early Childhood Education and will continue to teach dance at Centre Stage.

“I am super-excited,” said Chapman.

Her goal is to remain on the Pak for a few years, but being on the team doesn’t guarantee her a spot the next year.

She’ll have to try out like everyone else.

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

Tags: NBA