September 2009
NFL Week #1- Carolina TopCats
Photos courtesy of Rick!
Buffalo Jills in Northern Chautauqua County
Photos courtesy of Phil
On The Flipside – Aruba
This episode spotlights Miami Heat Dancer Ashley
Chicago Mustangs Dance Team
Meet the team!
2009-10 Cleveland Cavalier Girls
Updated team photo online
The secret life of an amiable engineer
Take Thera Santos, a 24-year-old Foster City resident, who, while being an electrical engineer by day, also happens to don an NBA cheerleader outfit for the Golden State Warriors by night.
NFL Cheerleader Gallery #2’s week 2 gallery includes dance teams from the Bucs, Colts, Cardinals, Bengals, Panthers, Texans, Ravens, and also the Ravens stunt team.
NFL Pre-season Week #4 – St. Louis Rams Cheerleaders
Photos from Mid-west Dave!
Monday Morning Cheerleader: Tara Willson of the Cincinnati Bengals’s article about veteran Ben-Gal Tara Willson
Persistence is something for Hannibal woman to cheer about — with the Dallas Cowboys team
Brandi Kilby refused to give up when she didn’t make the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders in 2008.