Ultimate Cheerleaders

Sweethearts for Soldiers Deadline is Three Days Away

I got an email from Donald Wells reminding me that the deadline for applying to Sweethearts for Soldiers is September 20th. That means there are only three days left for the chance to become a Sweetheart and represent the Sweethearts for Soldiers Non-Profit Organization.  If you are a former NFL Cheerleader or NBA Dancer looking for an opportunity to continue to support the troops, this is your chance.

Sweethearts on their 2008 Handshake Tour of Kuwait and Iraq

The new Sweethearts will be announced on October 1st at SweetheartsForSoldiers.org and will debut the new Official Sweethearts uniform designed by Donald and Deb Erickson from The Line Up. Deb and Donald have been working together creating unique and trend setting uniforms and costumes for 14 years now and Donald tells us that the Sweethearts uniform is AMAZING!!!!

For complete information and  details visit www.sweetheartsforsoldiers.org

And why is Donald emailing us on behalf of Sweethearts and what’s going on with him:

What’s going on with me? I haven’t been this happy in years…. just after leaving the Redskins I started working as a Defense Contractor and focusing on a program that taught troops the Irregular Warfare Program for the Air Force. Yes, I was doing war type stuff – it’s crazy how I got into all this. After that program ended I took a position as Director of Government Programs for a company in VA called EarthWalk and work daily with the military on various projects. Having watched Bari and Tonya create this program and my love for all those fighting for our country I knew whenever I left the Redskins I would want to work with them. Just a short time after me leaving the Redskins, they started the process to become a Non-Profit that’s when I jumped on board and became the Director of Marketing/Sponsorships. My main focus is on creating a world wide brand for the Sweethearts and of course being able to do what was always the greatest part of my job, entertain the troops all over the world. Having personally been on 27 tours I consider myself an expert in Entertaining our troops, I am thrilled to be apart of a program that doesn’t have the drama of dealing with upper management that doesn’t understand why we do what we do. Sweethearts for Soldiers is able to reach out far greater than I ever would have dreamed possible when I was with the NFL to those in the front lines fighting for our freedoms and say “Thanks, we love you for it”. The sky is the limit and the Sweethearts will be known as the Cheerleaders that are here 100% for our Troops. Through calendars, photo’s, autograph signings and of course the Sweethearts for Soldiers Show we will being smiles to thousands and thousands of faces all over the world!

A personal note: Way back in 2004 when I first started the blog and no one knew who I was, I got an email from Donald. I saw his name in the “from” field and I got really nervous. I knew who he was, and I figured he was sending me an email to cease and desist with the blog or he’d sick the Redskins IP lawyers on me. I opened the email and it was a polite note telling me that I’d made an error on the blog. I made the correction and emailed Donald back to let him know it was fixed. He replied telling me he thought I was doing a great job and he was going to forward the blog to all the other NFL Cheerleader Directors. That was a huge step for the blog in gaining acceptance in the world of Pro Cheerleading. Thanks, Donald!

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent