Pro Cheer Meets Project Runway

I’m admitting right up front that this post is a stretch. This post has almost nothing to do with this website. But i enjoy this website, and I enjoy Project Runway, and when the two intersect (even in the most tangential of ways), I’m going to post about it. Like it or lump it.

So here’s the deal:a group of students from MassArt are exhibiting some of their pieces in an exhibit called “Wearable Art” at Burlington Mall in Burlington, Mass. (Watch a video about it here.) Some of the categories in the show include evening wear, menswear, costume, and non-textile. The non-textile category is where the Project Runway aspect comes in. For those who aren’t familiar, every season on Project Runway, the designers are challenged to create garments from non-traditional materials. (Read: materials found someplace other than a fabric store.)

Reminisce with me won’t you, PR fans?
Remember when they had to tear up the cars/apartments/restaurant for raw materials. Remember the corn husk dress? The licorice dress? The coffee filter dress? The Saturn car parts dress? The placemat dress? The dresses made out of flowers and plants?

Anyway, this MassArts thing was a lot like that.
They have a dress made of brown starbucks coffee cup sleeves
…A dress made entirely of 3-D glasses
…A dress made of ripped up traffic cones
…A dress made of coin wrappers and spare change
…A dress made of doilies and cupcake wrappers

…and a dress made of New England Patriots lottery tickets – modeled by Pats Cheerleader Sandra Smyly.


I told you it was a stretch.

(FYI: The blonde chick is one of the Real Housewives of New York, wearing a dress made of cassette tape.)

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One thought on "Pro Cheer Meets Project Runway"

  1. James' Mom says:

    Great post! I love project runway, too.

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