Ultimate Cheerleaders

The Flu, a Shot to the System

This is a sad story about Washington Redskins Cheerleader Ambassador Desiree. Please keep her in your prayers

By Nicholas Graham
Loudon Times-Mirror

desiree1Desiree Jennings can whisper softly, but not talk loudly.

She can – once she gets going — run several miles, but she can’t walk the first five feet normally.

She can move sideways and backward, but not forward.

Desiree can still hope and dream, but realizes that her life the way it was may never come back.

Desiree, of Ashburn, is a one-in-a-million person. Tragically so.

She is “the one.” Apparently, the one person in a million, according to the Centers for Disease Control, who may have developed severe and possibly life-threatening side effects from getting a seasonal flu vaccine seven weeks ago at a Safeway in Reston.

It’s easy to understand why Desiree felt compelled to get a flu shot. Warnings that this fall would see a harsh seasonal flu season — compounded by growing concerns about the impact of the new H1N1 flu – have driven healthy people to get inoculated, and especially those in defined high-risk groups.

Then, the statistics: 36,000 die annually of the seasonal flu; 200,000 people will be hospitalized with the flu; and more than 100 million seasonal flu vaccinations will be given. Loudoun’s health director, Dr. David Goodfriend, has already gotten his, as well as his H1N1 vaccination.

Already, since Aug. 30, the CDC reports about 950 people have died from flu-associated pneumonia or flu symptoms.

Desiree, a young, healthy and active 25-year-old, says she was not in a high-risk group, had no pre-existing, underlying health issues, and was not on medication at the time of her shot. Since April, Desiree has also been a Washington Redskins “Ambassador” – a physically demanding job that trains you to one day become a full cheerleader.

As for the seasonal flu shot, she got it to earn “healthy living” points for her work health plan, which gives perks for each level of “wellness” that is attained.

The shot in the arm itself, on Aug. 23, was uneventful. Ten days later, Desiree says she got flu-like symptoms – fever, vomiting, weakness in her legs and body aches.

On returning to work at AOL after Labor Day, she was even more fatigued. She passed out at work, and again at home. Her husband, Brendan, rushed her to Urgent Care nearby as she went into convulsions. She was immediately transferred to Inova Loudoun Hospital, where she spent three days.

The doctors ran test after test, and asked question after question. She was screened for Lyme disease, lupus and other ailments. All came back negative.

Desiree proceeded to go back to Inova Loudoun Hospital, then Inova Fairfax Hospital, then Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, to see specialists. None could give a diagnosis. She estimates she has seen 60 medical personnel since mid-September.

Desiree has seen her primary care physician, physical therapists, speech therapists, neurologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists and a bevy of nurses.

Amazingly, it was her physical therapist who provided the clinical diagnosis: Dystonia.

While sounding like a fictional land from a J.R.R. Tolkien novel, Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder in which sustained muscle contractions cause body jerks, and abnormal or repetitive movements. The disorder may be inherited or caused by other factors such as physical trauma, infection, poisoning, or reaction to drugs.

Desiree is convinced that in her case, the dystonia was triggered by the seasonal flu shot. Her doctors at Inova Fairfax and Johns Hopkins hospitals agree that it was likely the adverse reaction to the flu shot that caused her condition.

Dystonia requires the learning of a new way of living, and relearning even the most basic routines. It’s also rare, and not completely understood. As for cures – none exists. As for treatment, it’s basically limited to minimizing symptoms of the disorder.

Desiree is in the process of trying out a cocktail of medications, to see what mix works. “Sensory tricks” also help manage the spasms, though she is still afflicted by a handful of serious seizures and convulsions, and 20 to 30 minor ones, every day.

To minimize the stimuli, which cause convulsions, she often has to wear soundproof headphones around the house and listen to music; Coldplay often does the trick. Understandably, she eschews techno or rap. Without headphones, multiple stimuli – say, a phone ringing combined with loud TV noises – will send her into a seizure.

She also finds solace in posting updates on Facebook, along with short videos of her condition – many of which are startling. This has attracted offers of expert help from neurologists willing to take on her case. This social media platform has been her one-stop shop for communications, information, and support – always a click away and 24/7. It’s also free – and paperless.

Offline, it’s anything but paperless. At Desiree’s feet is a black, plastic accordion folder already bursting with health-care documents. It’s getting bigger by the day.

It’s understandable how Desiree now feels about the seasonal flu shot. “Don’t get it if you’re healthy” and not at risk, she implores. She claims doctors at Fairfax and Johns Hopkins hospitals agree.

At the Loudoun health department, Goodfriend has a different take. While he sympathizes greatly with Desiree’s case, “we know in Loudoun if no one got vaccinated, more would get sick, and potentially more would die.”

“There are always rare side effects,” Goodfriend says. “But seasonal flu is a major killer of otherwise healthy people.” He strongly believes that any risk associated with a flu shot is “outweighed” by the benefits it provides.

Desiree and Brendan have always had a kind of prohibition policy on crying. But not a day in the past 30 has been “dry.”

“You realize your life is never going to come back the way it was,” Desiree says, looking out her kitchen window onto a Brambleton street scene. “My goal in life was to one day be a CEO. Now, I don’t know if I can ever return back to work.”

With a new dose of tears welling up in her auburn-colored eyes, Desire looks down, and says, “Every day for me is a struggle to even want to live.”

But she goes on. Even knowing she is — possibly, sadly – on the wrong side of being “one in a million.”

Watch a video of this story at MYFOXDC.com

[Desiree at Redskins.com]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

6 thoughts on "The Flu, a Shot to the System"

  1. Carlos says:

    I pray she will get better, such a shame!!!

  2. I saw your story today on the news. My heart breaks for you.
    I pray that you will get better. There is aways hope that the doctors will find something to help you.

  3. Norma says:

    Dear Desiree ,
    My heart and prayers goes out to you. Keep the faith and believe that God is able to heal your body.
    Believe you will be healed by God’s grace and you will accomplish your goals.
    Praying for you!


  4. Kevi F. says:

    Oh my goodness. When I heard about this story on the T.V., I nearly had a heart attack. I am so sympathetic for you. I wish it was such a different case. Maybe that you were just going to be sick for a while. You don’t have many replies, but you probably do have many people pray for you. Don’t do anything to hurt yourself. Your still a beautiful girl. Please give hope to those who know that you are a fighter. I was a cheerleader for 5 years. Not for a big team like you, but for my school. You are like an idol to me. You gave me hope to be a successful cheerleader, but it doesn’t have to just be an idol for just cheerleading. You give me hope. I think hope is what the world needs. God Bless you and your husband. I’m praying for you. :-*

  5. Rico says:

    Wow, thats so sad. I will pray for her and her recovery. Stay strong.
    God Bless,

  6. Iona says:

    My daughter has suffered the same devastating effects from the flu shot. Looking for information on contacting Desiree, if anyone has this information, please pass on. Thanks.

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