Ultimate Cheerleaders

One Week to Go: World’s Toughest Uniform Quiz

Next Thursday is the deadline for submitting your entry..

A lot of folks have asked if we are going to let them know how they did, or will we show the original color photos. The answer to both questions is yes.

In the meantime if you didn’t see the original post about the quiz, here it is again:

gardner08We’ve got a new contest and this time it’s in the form of a quiz.

Sasha went through her archives and selected 38 photos of NFL Cheerleaders throughout the years. Your job is to identify the squad. And we’re looking for complete answers. If it’s a Baltimore Colts Cheerleader and you say Colts Cheerleader or Indianapolis Colts Cheerleader, you get partial credit. Same thing if it’s a photo of the Philadelphia Eagles Liberty Belles and you answer Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders, that’s only worth half-a-point

These are all NFL squads, but not necessarily current squads. Some teams may appear more than once, or not at all. Oh, did I mention all the photos are in black and white?

The top 5 entries with the most correct answers will receive a beautiful 8×12 autographed cheerleader photo provided by our own David Tyau. To see more of David’s photos, please check out his blog, The Hottest Dance Team In The NFL. In the event of ties, a random drawing will determine the winner(s).

International readers are welcome to participate, but are ineligible for prizes. US Addresses only for winning photos. (We’ve got a budget, here!)

Send your entries, the deadline is November 19th, to me (james@procheerleaderblog.com). Send your hate mail to Sasha (sasha@procheerleaderblog.com), it was her idea to make the photos B&W.

The quiz gallery is here. (Update: I am getting entries with just the first 20 uniforms, there’s a 2nd pages with 18 more mystery uniforms)


Not affiliated with the NFL, any individual team, especially the San Diego Chargers, or e2k Sports.

Advertisers and contributors to the blog ineligible to play.

Not responsible for lost or mis-directed entries.

All judges decisions are final.

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent