Ultimate Cheerleaders

Springboro Mom a Ben-Gal, Among Other Things

By Greg Billing
Dayton Daily News

Wanting some new challenges in life, Laura Vikmanis, a Springboro mother of two, picked up golf and also started drum lessons.

Oh, she also became the NFL’s oldest cheerleader, making the Cincinnati Ben-Gals at age 41.

Vikmanis, a 1986 Fairmont High School graduate, is the oldest Ben-Gal in squad history. She’s been told she’s also the oldest cheerleader in NFL history.

Cincinnati Ben-Gal Laura Vikmanis and her daughters, Alexa and Lija, 11 and 13.

“I was at a point in my life where I was like, ‘What do I really want to do? What’s something in my life that makes me happy?’ ” Vikmanis said. “I went to a couple games and saw the cheerleaders and thought that looked really, really fun.”

Vikmanis met a Ben-Gal at a dance class and was encouraged to try out. She made it to the final cuts two years ago, then returned to make this year’s team.

Vikmanis is a registered dietician. Daughters Lija, 13, and Alexa, 11, are competitive cheerleaders.

In her words

“I look at myself as a role model for my children to show them no matter what age or what dream you have, you can work really hard and achieve it.

“I was extremely intimidated because all the girls seemed to be in their 20s or early 30s. … I definitely was surprised how nice all the girls are. You would think with 30 girls we could get pretty catty. But they are all so nice. We’re all very enthusiastic, very social. We all kind of feed off each other.

“It’s definitely comparable (to CMT’s ‘Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team’). They’re a little more intense, for example they have fitness competitions and that kind of thing. … Every practice is a competition to secure your spot on the field. It is definitely comparable to that show. They do a little more than we do, but the glamour aspect and fitness aspect of it is spot on.

“The Steelers game was absolutely the most exciting game to cheer at. I was so grateful to be on the field. The crowd was so loud that even though we’re three feet apart from each other we couldn’t hear each other talking because the crowd was so into it.

“When you’re standing in the tunnel and you see everybody in the stands and hear everybody screaming … it is awe inspiring.

“I’ve done a couple half-marathons but I mostly run for fun. I love weight training. In the summer I’ve been trying to learn how to play golf, and I kind of just for fun picked up some drum lessons.

“My family, I think at first when I told them I was going to try out, were like ‘Oh yeah, that’s something fun to try.’ When I finally made it they were in tears and just so excited. They have been behind me 100 percent. … My children thought it was cool, but I don’t think they understood fully until they went to the game and actually saw me on the field. They think it’s so cool.

“My number one motto I tell all of my clients or anyone interested in losing weight is you can have what you want, just not as much as you want. That way you’re not depriving yourself but you’re also not overindulging. … And eating and exercise go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other if you want to be successful at weight loss.”

[Laura at Bengals.com]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

2 thoughts on "Springboro Mom a Ben-Gal, Among Other Things"

  1. me says:

    Very inspiring…I am close to 30 and wondered if I was too old to do something like that. You should be proud and good luck!

  2. Valerie says:

    Good for her! I remember the L.A. Rams had a woman who was in her late 60’s or early 70’s who stood on the sidelines with the regular squad. She wore basically the same uniform as the Embraceable Ewes. Just a little more cover up. She was nick named PomPom Mom.

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