Ultimate Cheerleaders

LadyCats in the Frontcourt Lounge

Nicole, Marie and Jenn with me.

On Saturday I witnessed one of the greatest games in Bobcats history: The first home buzzer beating winning shot ever for the Bobcats! It was quite a scene at the arena. After the game the fun moved to the suite level and the Frontcourt Lounge where the Ladycats were hosting a post game party. I finally got the see the new white uniforms in person, which all the girls were excited about.

Ashley and Jessica T.

Janel, Kia, Jenn, Chimere and Dawn.

Amanda, Nicole, Jessica S. Stephanie and Chimere

Kristy and Lindsay

Lindsay and Nicole

I also ran into former Topcat Brittney, who now blogs for the Bobcats on Bobcatsbreak.com. She may be the hardest working person in Charlotte, as she also writes for Creative Loafing magazine, hosts Three Wide Life on FoxSports, and then still has time to star in the occasional reality TV show.

Kelli, Brittney and Jordan

[Charlotte Lady Cats]

About the Author

Rick, Carolina Corresponent