Ultimate Cheerleaders

NFL Pre-season Week #1 – Washington Redskins Cheerleaders

So, in the pre-season the starters see limited action. On Friday night Redskins QB Donovan McNabb was only around long enough to throw eight passes.

By contrast, I think the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders might have set a record for onfield performances.

The Redskins Cheerleaders danced on the field during the pre-game and at halftime. They also performed in the end zones at the quarter breaks and during both two-minute warnings. That’s six times. It’s a lot, but by no means a record.

But the Redskins Cheerleaders also hit the field and perform after every Redskins touchdown, and the Redskins scored six times on Friday night.

That’s a total of 12 performances, plus the sideline routines, And it was all done in that steamy August heat that DC is famous for.

Not sure if twelve is a record. I’ll have to get Sasha to check her archives on that.

[Redskins Cheerleaders Gallery]

[Redskins Cheerleaders Website]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent