Send us Your ‘Photo of the Day’

We try to vary “Photo of the Day”, but since we’re drawing mostly on the work of Sasha, David and me, the same teams get represented over and over, And we end up missing large swaths of the Mid-west and South.

So we’re asking you to help us and spread the love around by sending in Your Professional Cheerleader photos.


– Your own photo or permission from the copyright holder (please don’t grab somebody else’s work)

– The subject(s)  should Professional Cheerleaders or Alumni (we’re fans of college and HS, but that’s not our focus)

– Minimum  of 600 pixels wide (maximum is no problem)

– Good lighting and in focus; No awkward poses or unfortunate facial expressions (We’re looking for solid and flattering photographs)

-Tell us: Who is in the photo? What is going on? When and where was it taken?

And I’ve got a preference for vertical shots….

over horizontal photos.

Since we only do one photo a day (and we’re still going to use our own shots) we won’t be able to publish them all, but we still appreciate your contributions.

Send your submissions to

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

One thought on "Send us Your ‘Photo of the Day’"

  1. Hi James. Yourself, Sasha & David do a great job with the site. I know it is very time consuming and a lot of work.
    Just want to say: Thank you.
    I would love for the RED DIAMONDS to ge more exposure this season and i would like to send alot of information about and pics of our team to Ultimate Cheerleaders
    Since I will will working with Ultimate Cheerleaders more and i havent really did a lot in the past i may have a lot of question so please be a little patient with me. but once i get the hang of it, im sure it will be great.

    Thank you again.

    Sherrell Stone – Director.

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