There’s a New Captain in River City: An Interview with Ben-Gal Terésha

Ben-Gal Terésha's (left) First Home Game as Captain

Ben-Gal Terésha's (lower left) First Home Game as Captain

Fourth year veteran Ben-Gal Terésha was already walking on air to be back on the squad last May.  But days later at the squad’s bonding retreat, she heard some news that promptly placed her firmly on Cloud Nine:  Terésha was surprised to find out that she was selected to be a 2010 sideline Captain!  For Terésha, it was the most fantastic news ever!

Almost three months have past, and we are THRILLED that Terésha has shared some of her thoughts about her new role!  If you haven’t noticed, this year’s NFL cheerleading squad that broke out of the gates at a blistering pace is Terésha’s Ben-Gals.  Not only were they the first squad on the field this season at the Hall of Fame game, but their first two pre-season games are HOME games.  That’s three games in thirteen days.   Busy enough for you?  Terésha replied to one of my emails after 3 am!  On a week night!  When I mentioned to her that I would feel badly if I saw her curl up on the sidelines and sleep during the August 15th pre-season game against the Broncos, Terésha replied, “By the way, what is this ‘sleep’ thing you speak of?”

Terésha fills us in on some exciting news about being her own designer, the developmental bullet train that the Ben-Gals have been on since May to get ready for this rush of game activity, what the season holds for the Ben-Gals (their new photos and bios are now on-line!), and how her wonderful personality is spreading to her line.

Terésha (lower right) Performs During Pre-Game

Terésha (lower right) Performs During Pre-Game was it like was performing at the Hall of Fame game in Canton?

Terésha-The Hall of Fame Game or as we call it, the HOF, was so exciting. The trip there was hilarious. We played some abnormal games on the way up there and also did a little HOF trivia. It was a four hour trip to get there and back so some girls started watching movies, and me, being the humorous person that I am, I started text messaging teammates on the bus to see what they were up to. It made for something fun to do and someone to make fun of on the trip (me, of course). Overall, the game experience was AWESOME! From practice to meeting fans at tailgate parties, we also did some radio interviews and promotions. Some of our sides even got pictures with Jerry Rice!

Terésha Would Bend Over Backwards, Literally, for the Ben-Gals

Terésha Would Bend Over Backwards, Literally, for the Ben-Gals Compared to previous years, did you feel the squad was on the “fast track” to prepare for this season, because the first game was not only early, but in front of an important crowd and on national network TV?

Terésha-“Fast track” doesn’t even sum it up! Since we learned who made the squad, within a week we were practicing two to four times a week. The month of July usually has three practices (per week) but we added an extra practice each week just to make sure everyone was comfortable and prepared with all of the material being thrown their way. We also have had extra technique training this year which is something new as well.

Terésha's Line During the August 15th Bengals-Broncos Game

Terésha's Line During the August 15th Bengals-Broncos Game did it feel to be on the field for the the first time as a line captain?  Were you nervous?

Terésha-There are so many things that you have to focus on as a Captain that you are unaware of until you are actually in that position. I was extremely nervous because as a leader you want to make sure your line is at their best and you never want to lead them wrong. I seriously looked at my arm band, our Ben-Gal play list, every 10 seconds because I thought I might miss something. I tried so hard not to show that I was nervous because I wanted my line to feel confident and secure in me as a leader when they got out on the field. I also wanted them to not worry and be able to get out there and enjoy the fruits of their labor so to speak. I let the girls know to get out there, have fun and to take the moment in. Also to “work it”!

at6 Since you learned you were selected as line captain, how has that experience been? For instance, what influences do you find yourself trying to be like as captain?  Also, do you still feel like you can be your fun and goofy self as line captain?

Terésha-The experience has been overwhelming but in a great way. It is definitely hard work and I enjoy every second of it! I find myself trying to find my niche and to figure out what makes me the best Captain that I can be. Thankfully, I have had some great leaders before me. I have to name drop for a second (laughs).  ALL of my Sideline Captains in the past have taught me how to remain positive and to give off positive energy, even in the most exhausting times. My past Head Captain Deanna (now Assistant Coach) taught me so much when it comes to structure, being organized, and upholding the standards of our organization. Tara, my current Head Captain has taught me so much when it comes to visuals, technique, and just what an NFL Cheerleader should be. They have both been so encouraging when it comes to having confidence in my dance ability and being a great leader. They have been extremely instrumental to my growth and I’m thankful for them and all of my past line Captains. They are amazing women!

And by the way, there is probably no way they can get rid of the “goofy” in me (laughs). They actually consider your personality as an asset in this organization, which is a great thing. It shows that they value each girl for who SHE is and they don’t try to take that away from you.
Terésha Points To Head Captain Tara as a Mentor

Terésha Points To Head Captain Tara as a Mentor Tell me about the calendar shoot! When and where will the calendar release party be held?

Terésha-The calendar shoot was so much fun, it always is. The entire coaching staff, along with our salon, Perfections, was on hand. They make you feel and look so beautiful and it is always special to each of us to see our coaches get excited about our photo shoot. We did our shoot in Cincinnati, which is always nice because we shoot all around the city, and one of the shoots actually took place at the Paul Brown Stadium, which is always a fan favorite. My shoot was located at The Syndicate which is also where our tryouts were located. I was able to wear a bathing suit that I designed and had made by a design company which came out fantastic and I am so glad that my coaching staff allowed me to wear it.

The Syndicate, which is located in Newport, Kentucky, will also be where our Calendar Release Party will be held September 11th at 8pm! Tickets are available online at and there will be plenty of entertainment and fun. This year’s calendar is sure to have some surprises that fans have never seen before which is exciting in itself.

at7 the pre-season games, what is the level of the squad as far as dancing? I figure the Bengals are kinda loose, not much playing time for the starters, but do the Ben-Gals have to be more game ready at this point?

Terésha-For pre-season games we are not afforded the same type of leniency. We are all to consider ourselves as starters so we all have to be “game ready”. We are constantly learning new material throughout the entire season. There are 32 ladies on the squad but we only put 24 on the field each game to perform, 6 on each line. There are many factors that go into making the field each game. There is physical stamina, making your goal weight, attendance, glamour, professionalism, knowing the material, and even doing personal appearances/charity events. So there is a little competitive energy every practice, but it is definitely healthy. There is no guarantee that the same girls will perform every game, this helps to prevent complacency. It is actually amazing how supportive everyone is of each other no matter if they are cheering or not. At the end of the day we are a family.

Terésha From October 2009 Home Game

Terésha During an October 2009 Home Game How are the Ben-Gals assigned to their lines and how are they placed in their position on the field?

Terésha-There are a few factors to how the lines are positioned. I believe they go off of their sideline captain first: who looks best together, do they all dance and blend together nicely, hair color, tans, et cetera. The front line usually consists of dance ability and leadership. It is so hard to hear at the games so the front line has to be as focused as the Captain so they can relay information to the back line.

I will be honest, because I am 5’0″; okay, okay, 4’11”, my side is the shortest. We call ourselves Team Tiny! I love their sense of humor, I think a little of my goofy has rubbed off on them (laughs).
at9 will be new and exciting for this season’s Ben-Gals?

Terésha-Well, we have already had a few new and exciting moments. We did a retreat for our first team meeting which was great for bonding, the HOF game, we actually performed at a sold out Cincinnati Reds game the same day of our first pre-season game. Our Calendar Release party will be full of surprises, I’m sure there may even be some special performances. Another fun thing we are hoping to do on our agenda this year will be to do an overseas military performance tour. It has been about four to five years since the last tour and the coaching staff has been throwing teasers, so we are looking forward to possibly having that honor as well. Charlotte, our Director, is always tight lipped on surprises for us so we never know what excitement will be thrown our way. I will definitely give the inside scoop!

Did I forget to mention the T.O. and Ocho effect this season?! So I will also mention the Super Bowl!


Terésha, THANK YOU SO MUCH for spending your precious time to let us in on your new role!

So if this is a new season, that not only means new roles, but new faces.  Next week, two of the rookies on Terésha’s line, Jill and Shelly will share their insights into being brand new Ben-Gals.  Look for it right here at!!

About the Author

Dave, Midwest Correspondent

One thought on "There’s a New Captain in River City: An Interview with Ben-Gal Terésha"

  1. Teresha, thank you so much for tipping your hat in our direction in this exciting interview! You are one of MY team’s favorites! We love having you in our salon… you bring the sunshine with you. (Not to mention the laughter!) We are having so much fun working with you again this year. Whether you stop by for Kenneth’s famous drycut, Angie’s extensions or Sarah’s Brazilian Keratin Treatment, our arms are open wide to gather you in and give you a group hug!!

    Jill Wiltberger
    Managing Director
    Perfections Salon

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