Ultimate Cheerleaders

When you’re a Jet, you’re a Jet all the way

brittanycushingMegan Renne
Livingston County News
October 14, 2010

NEW YORK CITY — Growing up in a small town like Avon, Brittany Cushing had dreams of one day moving beyond the Avon walls and pursuing a career in a profession she loved.

Mission accomplished!

Cushing, who recently turned 25, is a 2003 graduate of Avon Central and is currently a member of the New York Jets Flight Crew Dance Team, that performs during NFL home games.

“Looking back, (Avon) was a great place to grow up as a kid — it’s a small, close knit community,” said and referred to her time there as a “wonderful experience.”

Growing up surrounded by many friends and family, Avon provided Brittany with not only a great education, but all of the support she needed to continue her career. While attending Avon, she participated in such clubs as cheerleading and dance.

After graduating from Avon, Brittany attended Penn State University where she studied marketing and finished with a Bachelor of Science degree in May of 2007. She also continued to pursue her love of dancing when she auditioned for a hip hop dance company called ‘Whiplash.’

She was one of three freshman to make the team that year and the experience helped her to get where she is today.

While attending Penn State during her junior year, Brittany took a semester off from school to accept an internship at NBC Sports. She admits to being a huge sports fan and after graduating from college, was able transfer networks and work at ESPN.

“I’m a huge sports fan, so I’ve been lucky to be able to stay in a field I enjoy,” said Brittany.

Although Brittany seemed to be enjoying a successful career in the studio, she continued to pursue her passion for cheerleading and dance and thus began looking into the Flight Crew and researching them on the web.

“I noticed they were holding audition prep classes in New York City,” said Brittany.

The auditioning process took a little over a week and consisted of open call, — which produced both a semifinal, and final round of applicants.

Brittany was both shocked and thrilled when it came down to the final decisions, and her number and name was called — “Number 28, Brittany.”

Now a member of the New York Jets’ Flight Crew Team, Brittany admits this is by far the biggest stage she has ever performed on, considering their stadium holds 80,000 fans for every home game.

“This is definitely the biggest stage I’ve been on,” said Brittany. “To perform in front of that many people is an incredible experience. It’s a dream come true.”

She admits that her experience as an Avon cheerleader helped her prepare for her current squad.

“Without that background, I would have never been able to get into professional cheerleading,” said Brittany.

Brittany’s family, back home in Avon, has been a huge support system she says.

“They’re my support system and have always encouraged me to believe in myself and go for what I want,” Brittany said. “I’m so lucky to have them behind me, and wouldn’t be the person I am today without them.”

As for her future endeavors — for now, Brittany will just enjoy the ride she’s on.

“Right now I’m just enjoying where I’m at,” said Brittany. “I’ve worked hard to get here and I am taking advantage of every opportunity.”

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