Ultimate Cheerleaders

Monday Morning Cheerleader: Kimberly of the Colts

By Steve Mazzucchi

Indy’s sideline star looks back on Week 10, ahead to the Manning-Brady showdown, and makes an early Super Bowl prediction. Also, further evidence that women love Brett Favre.
For once, Peyton Manning didn’t steal the show. Unlike most Colts victories — especially against the Bengals, against whom he’s now 7-and-0 — the man who would be MVP again gave way to the Indianapolis defense. Five turnovers and a pick-six later, he was all alone in first place because of it. And because of the cheerleaders, too. They got Lucas Oil Stadium rumbling as the D made two critical stops in the final three minutes. All of which had Indy-area native Kimberly rumbling about the postseason. “We’ll just see when January comes.” Or, you know, next Sunday against the Pats….


ESQUIRE: When the Bengals recovered that onside kick with 2:33 left, were you sweating it?

KIMBERLY: I wasn’t worried, because I knew the defense would step up. I’m very proud of them and the fans, because they’re so loud and into the game. When it’s like that, we do fewer routines and more jumping up and down and waving our poms. We also have signs now that say GET LOUD and MAKE NOISE because people way at the top of the stadium can’t really see what we’re doing.

ESQ: Undrafted rookie Javarris James scored your only offensive touchdown, and despite loads of injuries, Indy keeps winning with spare parts. Is there some secret formula that makes any player who puts on a Colts jersey into a stud?

KIM: I don’t know about that, but the guys work hard no matter whether they’re first-, second-, or third-string. They all practice like they’re first-string. And Peyton Manning is just such a great leader that no matter who he’s throwing to, they want to step up.

ESQ: Speaking of Manning: great quarterback or greatest quarterback?

KIM: Definitely greatest quarterback. He’s done so much in his career. So many MVPs. And I’m not biased at all. It’s just the truth.

ESQ: Some people knock him down a peg because Tom Brady’s won more titles. Your thoughts?

KIM: Super Bowls definitely matter. You have to get the job done. But Peyton takes players who aren’t starters and makes them look amazing. Brady’s great, but I don’t think he’d be able to do the same things. Peyton is less dependent on the people around him.

ESQ: If you weren’t within spitting distance of a future Hall-of-Famer all season, which QB would you most want to watch this year?

KIM: Michael Vick. He’s definitely surprised me this season. I knew he was good, but I didn’t think he was that good. I like Brett Favre. People give him so much trouble, but I think he’s great. He keeps things interesting. I think he can be in the league for as long as he wants to be.

ESQ: The Colts reached the Super Bowl in your rookie season earlier this year. So do you just expect that to happen every season now?

KIM: Definitely. I guess we just got spoiled, all the rookies. When they lost the first game to Houston this year, I was like, What’s going on? Last year, I was just so used to winning. Older cheerleaders told us to cherish the moment. Quite a few girls had been to the last one, and they said, “You never know when you’ll get to cheer at a Super Bowl again.” Now I’d like to cheer when they win it and get a shiny ring.

ESQ: You get a ring?

KIM: Oh, yeah. My AFC Championship ring from last year is my pride and joy.

ESQ: In the past ten years, only two teams that lost the Super Bowl have made the playoffs the next year. Think Indy can buck that trend?

KIM: I think so. We’ve had some struggles, but right now we’re number one in our division. I have confidence in the team to make it back to playoffs and back to Super Bowl.

ESQ: Which AFC team scares you most?

KIM: The Patriots will be a little hard next week. They’ve been doing well this year. They might be one to reckon with. And I like the Jets. They’re my second-favorite team.

ESQ: You have a Yorkshire terrier named Squirt. What’s the best dog for men?

KIM: I really like pit bulls. They’re not mean if you raise them the right the way. And a guy definitely looks cool with a pit bull.

[Kimberly at Colts.com]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent