Ultimate Cheerleaders

USA Cheerleaders in Times Square

Our friend Ken Martin, Executive Director of USA Cheerleaders, writes:

I wanted to touch base with you and let you know about an event we were privileged to be invited too on New Years Eve. We were invited to celebrate New Years Eve with the Wounded Warrior Project, over 150 Wounded Warriors, their families and the NYPD.

We met at Ft. Harrison where we were put up at the Army Lodge for the night. We checked in and the girls got ready for the night. I only took 8 girls because we only had 2 rooms, the rest of the lodge was full of the Wounded Warriors. We left about 4:00 to drive over to Mt. Carmel Church, were we were going to meet the Wounded Warriors and their families as they were coming into the church for their catered dinner. There was a catered dinner for everyone, the Friars Club did a comedy show and then the girls performed a Christmas dance and our Bon Jovi dance (Special Request from a Warrior)

After dinner we boarded Four NYPD buses, 2 WWP Vans and 2 other Mini Buses. We then went by NYPD Motorcade to Times Square. The motorcade had over 60 NYPD officers and was amazing!!! The closed down the FDR and the last time they did that was for President Obama, we felt privileged to be apart of it!! We arrived into Times Square about 9:45 pm and entered the VIP area which was reserved for the WWP. The VIP area was under the Ball, next to the Entertainment stage where Ryan Seacrest was doing his show. The Medal of Honor winner Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta even stopped by to pose for some pictures with a few warriors!!!


It was truly an Honor to be invited to this event and we have been the only cheerleading program ever invited to such an event. Spending New Years with the warriors was very humbling and I cant wait to do it again next year, because we have already been asked to return for next year and then we will be putting on our Variety Show at the dinner complete with costume changes, comedy skit, audience participation and more!!!

I am attaching a picture for you in case you want to see how much fun we had and there are a lot more on our FB page!!

[USA Cheerleaders]

[USA Cheerleaders on Facebook]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent

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