Join the Houston Dynamo Girls for National Dance Day!

Anyone who watches “So You Think You Can Dance” knows that National Dance Day 2011 is just around the corner. Dance events will be talking place all across the country on Saturday, July 30. The choreographers at SYTYCD have provided three dance routines (with varying levels of difficulty) and they’re challenging you to learn one or more of the dances and get out there and perform it at one of the National Dance Day events.

Down in Houston, the Dynamo Girls have taken up the challenge. They will be leading the crowd in the salsa routine choreographed by Mary Murphy. Everyone will be meeting up outside the offices of the Houston Press to get their salsa on. (Click here for details). The even will be filmed and uploaded to YouTube for So You Think You Can Dance.”

So save the date Houstonians, and click here to learn the choreography!

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