Ultimate Cheerleaders

These California Girls can skate

July 10, 2011

Check out FOXSportsWest.com’s gallery of the Los Angeles Kings Ice Crew auditions on Saturday.

The Beach Boys first sang about California Girls in 1965 and most recently Katy Perry belted out a song about the topic. You could listen to both and get lost in lyrics about beaches and palm trees, bikinis and even Daisy dukes. You won’t hear much about shoveling snow or ice skating…

Well the LA Kings Ice Crew is showing that these California girls can certainly skate.

The LA Kings Ice Crew, it sounds like a posse or just another attempt to take the beautiful women of the region and turn them into another marketing ploy. In a town where the phrase “not just another pretty face” is tossed around more than it is actually true, the Ice Crew has managed to actually make it a reality.

According to Director of Game Presentation and Events Brooklyn Boyars, “ice girls” became a trend in the league around a decade ago and the Kings hopped on board six years ago. It wasn’t until three years ago that they created the multi-dimensional team that exists today. Before you think these girls are simply cheerleaders on ice, guess again.

“Our team is very functional. They aren’t just there for decoration. They aren’t just the pretty girls in pretty outfits,” Boyars said. “We’ve got a co-ed team. They are very interactive and they do almost 300 appearances a year in the community. They are active in raising funds for our Kings Care Foundation.”

Did you say co-ed?

Yes sir, there are young men on this team too. Traditionally, when the ladies take the ice to shovel away the excess snow or to pick up the hats thrown on the ice after a hat trick, the men stay in the crowd taking care of promotions and contests. But what’s tradition anyway? Two of those young men decided they wanted to show their boss they could skate well enough to take the ice.

“I can’t fall,” said Michael Timoney. He was a season ticket holder in 2006-07 who thought it might be fun to take his fandom to the next level and join the Ice Crew.

Actually the first qualification for any Ice Crew member, male or female, is a love of the game.

“I grew up with Hockey my whole life. My dad use to play for the Flyers and I thought it would be perfect fit for me to work with the NHL and do something fun at the same time,” said Carrlyn Bathe, who has been a member for the past three years and is re-auditioning for a fourth.

She’s not alone in her hockey background. One look at contestant No. 5 revealed a skater that’s been around a hockey rink before. The beautiful blonde turned out to be a returning member by the name of Nikki who former LA Kings player Daryl Evans – the current radio commentator for the Kings and who put the ladies through their skating drills on Saturday — says is a good enough goalie to play with the boys.

Believe it or not though, you don’t have to be a near professional skater or former ice princess to try out. Because the Crew’s first responsibilities include community involvement and marketing they often take men and women who are personable and reliable, but are used to dry land and teach them how to skate before the season begins. Just be ready to work. Remember, you have to skate next to Nikki.

Debbie, the past year’s Ice Crew captain who recently retired to take a more behind the scenes role, emphasized what the team can mean to its members.

“The past few years I was on the team and we were like family so I’d like to see someone come in who deserves a chance at that amazing experience.”

Around 75 women showed up to try to land only a handful of spots open for this year’s Ice Crew despite the fact that the Anaheim Ducks held their Power Player auditions the same day, a rare occurrence according to Debbie.

After several rounds of skating drills (on hockey skates specifically – the toe pick on figure skates tears the ice up and puts players in danger) and an interview, only the men and women with the right combination of skills will be able to represent the Kings for the upcoming season.

And for that year they will be the Kings–and Queens–of Los Angeles hockey.

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