Auditions Announced for the Portsmouth Cavaliers ABA Semi-Pro Dance Team
Laura Eilers, former Chiefs and Rams Cheerleader, in addition to being the reigning Ms. United States (!), lets us know that auditions are coming up for the Portsmouth Cavaliers Dance Team.
The American Basketball Association features local men’s basketball talent and focuses on community and team spirit! The ladies selected to represent the Portsmouth Cavaliers will cheer on the sidelines, dance at halftime, greet fans, and perform in the community.
Online applications should be submitted by noon on September 22, 2011. If you do not apply online, you may download the application and bring it to the audition.
Candidates must be 17 years of age or older on or before November 5, 2011. There is no maximum age to audition.
Rehearsals are Thursday nights beginning in October and for one-hour just prior to games. There will be occasional additional rehearsals. The dance team performs at 12 home games on Saturdays and occasional Sundays. Please see the game schedule on the application site.
Visit the official application site for additional FAQs, including audition material and attire, at