Slideshow: Raiderettes make life easier on Sundays

Al Schnoor
Oakland Examiner
November 7, 2011

[Photo Gallery]

Raiderettes are doing their best on the sidelines to keep the fans entertained.

New slideshow photos always begs the question, Raiderettes or Gold Rush?

Most people go along team allegiance, some are ambivalent, and others simply don’t care.

Once you get past the Barbie Doll good looks, make-up, and perfect bodies, take a few moments to really understand the choreography and athleticism it takes for the girls to perform, oft times in high heeled boots, each game day.

Enduring inclement weather and on less-than-perfectly groomed surfaces, their routines have to be timed in a manner that is coordinated with TV timeouts and game stoppages.

More often than not, it’s at a moment’s notice that they have to be ready for a two-minute dance performance with precision timing that is a result of countless hours of practice.

The hard work and dedication put forth by the girls who represent each team in their respective cities is evident in both cheerleading squads and people should really appreciate all that goes into the product each Sunday afternoon.

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