Ultimate Cheerleaders

A Reversal of Fortune – The Chargers Stampede The Buffalo Bills

Two weeks ago, the Chargers were reeling from six consecutive losses that put them out of the playoff hunt.  Two weeks later, the Chargers are riding high after two consecutive wins, reversing their losing streak.  The latest victim of the Chargers’ resurgence were the Buffalo Bills, who flew into San Diego to escape the cold.

In a game that should be have been more competitive, the Bills could only score three points on offense while the Chargers rode the arm of Philip Rivers for 240 yards and three touchdowns.   The Bills scored their only touchdown on a recovered Philip Rivers fumble, while the Chargers generally stampeded the Bills all day long.  Final score: Chargers – 37, Tatonkas –  10.

And speaking of flying in to escape the cold, James our fearless publisher joined me in San Diego to take in all that Charger Girl goodness…and goodness there was.

James doesn’t get out to this part of the country often, so this was a rare treat…being able to shoot the Charger Girls and being able to chat long and ad nauseum about the blog and libertarian politics.  The last time James was out here was in 2008, so I hope he took advantage of the opportunity to photograph one of the hottest dance teams in the NFL.

Enough shop talk.  Let’s begin this week’s coverage of the absolutely fabulous Charger Girls with the immensely talented Line Captains:  Natalie, Katie, Lauren O. and Tiffany.

The Charger Girls are absolutely gorgeous and I absolutely love photographing them.   Over the course of this season, I have gotten some great shots and have featured my favorite images in the Charger Girl of the Day segment.  And this week, I’d like to feature a Charger Girl who has given me some absolutely amazing shots this year.  She’s beautiful.  She’s an amazing dancer.  And she has eyes that sparkle.  Introducing this week’s Charger Girl of the Day…Angela.

I must say that Angela has the most beautiful and elegant high kicks.  She makes them look effortless when in actuality, a high kick is a high effort, high torque dance move.  Charger Girl Angela, this week’s Charger Girl of the Day and one of my favorite Charger Girls to photograph.

But there is a whole squad of beautiful Charger Girls who are a pleasure to photograph.  So let’s take a look at Alexis, Tawnie, CGOTD Angela, Starkesha, Anjelica, Nina, Ariel, and Nicole.

We continue our coverage with former NY Jet Flight Crew member Christie, Melissa, Clarisse, Marissa, Courtney, former Clipper Spirit Dancer Lauren P., Culture, and Kimberly.

We conclude this week’s coverage of the AB FAB Charger Girls with Emily, Katelyn, Aussie Emma (arguably the first Australian girl who became an NFL cheerleader…so far as Emma and I know), Kara, Hannah, Jennifer, Hayley, and our former USC Song Girl Jacquelyn…who looks better today than when she was a Song Girl.

Though the Chargers have reversed their fortunes and have found the winning way again, it is a case of too little, too late.  Even though the AFC West is a fairly weak division, I fear that being two games back of Denver with three weeks left in the season is too much to overcome.  I fully expect a new coaching staff next year with a whole new look…maybe we can get Andy Reid, if the Eagles are foolish enough to let him go.  Who knows…hope spring eternal here in the land of everlasting sunshine and absolutely gorgeous Charger Girls.

And for you fans, Christmas will be coming early next Sunday…CHARGER GIRLS IN THEIR BLUE VELVET CHRISTMAS UNIFORMS!

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For the absolutely best in cheerleader photography, please visit my blog, thehottestdanceteam.wordpress.com.





About the Author

David Tyau, National Correspondent