Ultimate Cheerleaders

UD junior is Philadelphia Flyers Ice Girl

By Mellany Armstrong
December 22, 2011

Some of the Flyers on the ice score points with shovels, not sticks.

20-year-old University of Delaware student Brittany Sullivan is an Ice Girl for the Philadelphia Flyers. She found out it’s not all glamour and flashy outfits.

“They were like, ok, here’s your shovel, and it was actually really heavy, and it was kind of hard to skate with at first. I was not used to it at all,” she says.

Ice Girls have to look good and do hard work in quick fashion.

“So, you’d be going out skating with a shovel, then you would do some turns, and then, you know, a nice smile to the crowd, and then go do your job, still within like ten seconds, it was nuts,” she says.

If it’s not done correctly, the team can be fined $10,000.

“I’ve gotten yelled at a few times. We all have, but we finally got it under control,” she says.

There are nice perks — Brittany gets to go to the Winter Classic.

“We’re going to be in our little uniforms out in the cold, so, hopefully we won’t freeze to death. But it will be fun. It will be exciting,” she says.

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