Texas Stars Ice Girls audition photos

Patrick Lane Hill Country News July 19, 2011 The first round of auditions for the 2011-2012 Texas Stars Ice Girls was held on Saturday, July 17. Ice Girls Coordinator Kristin Ditto said 11 ladies were selected to advance into finals week with the final squad announcement later this week. Stay tuned for the FINAL photo […]

2011-12 Atlanta Hawks Cheerleaders

The Atlanta Hawks have selected their 2010-11 Cheerleaders. Congratulations, ladies! Click here to learn more about the squad. Watch the video

Automotion Finals RSVP

The Detroit Pistons dance team Automotion will hold their final round of auditions in the Automotion Audition Finals event sponsored by WRIF-FM radio, on Thursday, August 4th at 7:30 p.m. at The Crofoot Ballroom in downtown Pontiac. Admission to the Automotion Audition Finals is FREE and open to the public (18 and older), with a […]

Washington Kastles Cheerleaders

The Washington Kastles are the undefeated champions of the 2011 World Team Tennis season. The secret to their success? Well they got top players and coaches, but it might also have something to do with the Washington Kastles Cheerleaders who are under the direction of our good friend Donald Wells. Last month I hopped down […]

Take a Glimpse Within the “Open Book” of the Adrenaline Rush Dancers Coach, Gloria Esposito

Pro cheerleading can launch someone on a path from extremely shy child, refusing to dance on stage, to shooting off machine guns with the troops in Kosovo. This has been part of the journey of Gloria Esposito, now the Coach/Choreographer of the AFL’s Adrenaline Rush Dancers, and a former NBA Luvabull and Adrenaline Rush Dancer […]

Orlando Predators Prowlers Gizelle

Some Miami Dolphins cheerleaders call West Kendall home

By Julian Hernandez West Kendall Today Miami Herald 8/1/2011 Now that the NFL players are back to work, we turn our attention to — the cheerleaders, of course! The next time you watch the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders, say perhaps for the first preseason game on Aug. 12, you may just be watching six West Kendall […]

Wizard Girl Auditions

Congratulations 2011-12 Washington Wizard Girls

Long day at the Verizon Center on Saturday. It all started at 8am with Wizard Girl registration and long about 5:30pm, the new squad had been selected. I’ll have to ask Sasha when was the last time an NBA team finished their auditions in just one day. But it’s not completely over. Later the Wizards […]

A Day In The Life of an Inland Empire 66ers Dance Team Member

The Inland Empire 66ers, a minor league affiliate of the Anaheim Angels of Los Angeles, have a dance team.  But they do more than just dance.  Minor league baseball is a family friendly environment and there are a lot of promotions and special events to get the crowd out to the ball park.  And the […]