Ultimate Cheerleaders

Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders Spread Holiday Cheer to Fort Bliss

By Staff Sgt Casey J McGeorge

Team Bliss welcomed members of the NFLs Arizona Cardinals cheerleading team to Freedom Crossing, Dec. 15.

Members of the team posed for pictures and signed autographs for servicemembers and their families.

Travelling and visiting servicemembers and their families has had a huge impact on the team, said Erin, one of the cheerleaders.

“Nobody close to me is in the military,” said Erin. “I was a little ignorant. I now look at the flag differently. Knowing the sacrifices the servicemembers make, I now appreciate where I come from so much more.”

“I am really humbled by this experience,” said Tessa, a rookie with the squad. “I don’t have the courage to do what these men and women do. If the best I can do is bring some cheer to them, then I am more than happy to try and do my part.”

Team Bliss members were happy to have the cheerleaders.

“This is awesome that they support the troops,” said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Huram Torres, the maintenance technician for 47th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division, who is also from Phoenix and a Cardinals fan. “Something like this is really good for morale for the troops.”
“To have beautiful women come here and thank us is very nice,” said Spc. Joseph Byerhof, a track vehicle mechanic for 47th BSB. “Not everyone has that luxury.”
Later in the evening, the team put on a variety show for Team Bliss with the holiday theme “A Christmas Carol,” that included participation from children in the audience.
The team is hoping that the visit can turn into an annual event at Fort Bliss.

Members of the squad visited The Children’s Hospital at Providence in El Paso the day prior.

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent