Ultimate Cheerleaders

MAJOR audition announcement!

Did that get your attention?

I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but we have an auditions page here that lists every audition date for every pro and semi-pro team we can think of. What? This is news to you? That’s probably because we don’t really advertise it. Why not? No particular reason. But because we haven’t been obvious about it, many people don’t know we have it. In fact, we’ve had it for going on 8 years now. No foolin’. So what I’m doing here is, I’m shouting it from the rooftops.

Hey guys, guess what?
We have a page listing every audition date for every pro and semi-pro team known to (wo)man.

You can get there with the link in the menu bar at the top of this screen. You can also get there by clicking HERE.

The auditions page is updated on a continual basis, as auditions dates are announced. Right now, we’re working on getting the NFL and MLS auditions updated. As with all things, we more than appreciate your input. There are a LOT of teams, and a LOT of auditions to keep track of, so if you hear about an audition, and it isn’t on our page, let us know, m’kay?

We now return you to our regular programming.

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Tags: Auditions