New Orleans Hornets Honeybee Dancer is Serious About Fitness
By Brendan Twist
The Times-Picayune

'In college, I told my dad, if I could work out every day, I would be happy for the rest of my life,' New Orleans Hornets Honeybee dancer Giselle Hornberger says. 'And he was like, "Well, why don’t you do that?"'
Giselle Hornberger — a 22-year-old New Orleans native, Mount Carmel alum, Southeastern Louisiana University student, New Orleans Hornets Honeybee dancer, dance teacher and personal trainer — is The Times-Picayune Fit Role Model for February.
Nutrition Bio: “At breakfast I eat Kashi or oatmeal, or egg whites, and some fruit. For lunch I’ll usually have a huge salad. I usually put grilled chicken or black beans and cheese in there. And then for dinner, I’ll either eat a salad again or a piece of grilled chicken with fruit on the side. I think that if you’re on a routine like that, eating ‘bad’ is OK sometimes. We’re human. We’re going to want Double Stuf Oreos sometime in our life, and that’s OK.”
Workout Bio: “I did ballet my entire life, so dance class was kind of my workout. I got into the dance team (at SLU), and we started doing college workouts as a team. Our trainers would say, “How hard can you go?” And after our workouts I felt like I was on top of the world. It was like my antidrug. I get a high from learning new things and getting out of breath.”
Fitness Goal: “When I sweat, I feel awesome. I know some girls are like, “Eww, sweat!” But I love when I sweat, and my goal is just to sweat a little bit more every time I work out.”
Fitness Plan: “Monday is my cardio day. On Tuesday, I do cardio and a boot camp for Honeybees practice. Wednesday I’ll have a game, so I consider that cardio. And then Thursday we have boot camp for practice. Friday I teach cardio classes, and we might have a game. So I’m always moving. And then Saturday I teach a cardio class in the morning. I have one day off, and that’s Sunday. That’s my cheat day.”