Ultimate Cheerleaders

2012-13 Laker Girls

Laker Girl auditions were super competitive this year, as always. Now is our first chance to see who made the cut. (Belated) congrats, ladies! [Click here for mini head shots.]

Left to right
Top Row: Jenny, Andi, Melissa, Deanna*, Kelsey*, Chloe, Rachael
Middle Row: Julie*, Lindsay*, Mekayla, Shelbie, Brandi, Brittney*, Ashley*, Dara*
Bottom Row: Rebekah, Karla, Maggie, Aubrey, Jacquelyn*, Teresa*, Maddy

The scoop on the newbies’ dance backgrounds:
Andi – Chivas USA ChivaGirl, former Clippers Spirit
Aubrey – ??
Brandi – Performs at DisneyLand
Chloe – Didn’t make the UCLA dance team, but turned around and made Lakers. I think she got the better deal.
Jenny – Former San Diego Charger Girl
Karla – Dance teacher
Maddy – Performs at DisneyLand, former Miami Heat Dancer
Maggie – a dance studio girl, I believe
Mekayla – Chivas USA ChivaGirl, former member of the Anaheim Bolts Dance Team
Melissa – Chivas USA ChivaGirl (interestingly, sister of Michelle from Clippers Spirit. But they still love each other.)
Rachael – another studio girl
Rebekah – Studied dance at Julliard (Yes. THE Julliard)

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