Ultimate Cheerleaders

Calendar girl: Archbald native graces cover of Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders swimsuit calendar

Patrice Wilding
The Times-Tribune
October 7, 2012

In many ways, Corinne Jenkins is a typical 24-year-old woman who hails from a small town and is working hard at making a life for herself in the big city.

By day, Ms. Jenkins, a graduate of Valley View High School and Temple University with a degree in advertising and account management, is the full-time operations manager at a marketing firm in Center City Philadelphia.

When she’s not in business casual attire, however, Ms. Jenkins takes on an entirely different role.

Now entering her third season as a member of the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleading team, the Archbald native also was named the cover girl of the 2012-2013 swimsuit calendar for the football team’s cheering squad.

Ms. Jenkins realizes the two aspects of her life are difficult for many to reconcile, so she works hard to keep them as separate as possible.

“I think people are kind of surprised. During the day, I’m the office manager; at night, I’m the cheerleader,” she said during a recent phone interview. “During the day, I try to keep it professional and not bring it up, because it can be distracting for some people, especially (here) in Philadelphia where (people) put the team and us up on that pedestal.”

Not to mention, die-hard fans are quick to ask for her help getting into games, meeting players, or being introduced to her fellow cheerleaders. Overall, though, the response is mostly that of shock and awe.

Natural path

For Ms. Jenkins, becoming an Eagles cheerleader was an unexpected, though natural progression of her childhood activities.

She danced with Ballet Theatre of Scranton from the age of 3 through high school, and was a basketball cheerleader at Valley View throughout her entire high school career.

“That’s how I married the two to become an Eagles cheerleader,” Ms. Jenkins explained.

As a senior at Temple, she heard about the open call in the spring of 2010, and decided to try out.

“I thought, ‘What do I have to lose?'” she said. “On a whim, I went for it.”

The audition process was grueling, however, and she was one of about 300 to 500 women who apply each year. Over the course of about a month and through a series of multiple cuts, Ms. Jenkins made it through to the end, by which time she realized just how badly she wanted to make the team.

“The whole time you just want to get to the next audition, but when I made it to the finals I thought, ‘I really hope I make it to the squad!'”

This year marks her third season with the team, which is no small feat considering she has had to re-audition each time.

“It’s scary because it doesn’t get any easier,” Ms. Jenkins admitted. “It’s 100,000 times more stressful, because you know the experience of being out on the field and you don’t want to let it go.”

Anniversary game

Her favorite game thus far was her rookie year, the first time she stepped onto the field, when the Eagles also were celebrating their 60th anniversary. As part of the hallmark celebration, Ms. Jenkins and the rest of the cheerleaders wore “throwback” uniforms, which was extra exciting, considering she had grown up in an Eagles-loving home.

“Of course, they were my team. My dad used to watch (them) growing up, and Philly sports fans are notorious,” she laughed.

Meeting those dedicated fans is yet another benefit to being part of it all. Ms. Jenkins regularly volunteers for appearances and meet-and-greets, and has had the opportunity to travel with the team to the Senior Bowl in Mobile, Ala., an NFL Super Bowl event in Montreal, Canada, and even the NFL Draft at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

“There’s so many components from the obvious dancing and cheering on the field, but I think we do a lot more than fans realize,” Ms. Jenkins said. “Getting out there and talking to fans … people want your autograph and you’re like, ‘Who am I?,’ but it’s because you’re a part of something so big and they’re so passionate about it.

“I could go on and on about all the amazing things,” she continued.

Apart from the sense of pride and the thrill of cheering at all the home games, Ms. Jenkins said she has gained something even more valuable from her sisters on the squad: lifelong friendships and a bond that only they can fully understand.

“I think a lot of people would be surprised to hear we’re all like best friends,” she said. “We all have the same personality and I consider all 37 of the other cheerleaders my family.

“We’re so tight, I can go to them with any problems I have,” Ms. Jenkins said earnestly. “I think the friendships go a lot further. I’ll be friends with these women for the rest of my life. It surprised me coming into it. I never expected that.”

At home, her parents, Thomas and Yvonne Jenkins, are equally supportive. They come out to as many of her home games as possible, and are happy to brag about their daughter to anyone who will listen. They even support her appearance in the calendar, despite an obvious lack of clothing that might make other parents squirm.

“They love it. My dad is my best salesman,” Ms. Jenkins said.

She first appeared in the swimsuit calendar during her first year on the squad as Miss November, Ms. Jenkins said, which was kind of like the warm up round before she earned the coveted cover of this year’s edition.

“My dad was like, ‘OK, my little girl’s growing up,’ but now my dad carries the calendar around to show it off,” she laughed. “They’re sort of my cheerleaders, supporting me in everything I do.”

The 16-month calendar, which coincides with the current football season, was shot on location in Nassau in the Bahamas, and was unveiled in July.

Being named cover girl came as a total shock to Ms. Jenkins, who said the girls take part in the shoot with no guarantee that one of their photos will be picked.

The entire experience was surreal, she added.

“My shoot was very early in the morning. My call time for hair and makeup was at 4:30,” Ms. Jenkins said. “The picture was taken at about 5:30, right at sunrise.

“There were stingrays in the water and cruise ships going by in background, but being up that early was definitely worth it,” she said. “The views were amazing and all the cheerleaders had a great time.”

Still, she hasn’t lost perspective on where she came from, or how exciting her accomplishments are.

“It’s weird looking at your face over and over again,” Ms. Jenkins said of promoting her calendar. “You’re sitting there like, ‘OK, I’m this normal girl from Scranton, what is going on?'”

Contact the writer: pwilding@timesshamrock.com, @pwildingTT on TwitterMeet Corinne Jenkins

Age: 24

Family: Originally from Archbald, Ms. Jenkins is the daughter of Thomas and Yvonne Jenkins.

Education: She is a graduate of Valley View High School and Temple University.

At work:

She is a cheerleader for the Philadelphia Eagles and operations manager at a marketing firm in Center City Philadelphia.

Claim to fame: Cover girl of the 2012-2013 Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders calendar To buy a calendar

The 2012-2013 Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders calendar featuring Archbald native Corinne Jenkins on the cover is available for purchase at www.philadelphiaeagles.com, Barnes & Noble stores, and through the Eagles Pro Shop.

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