Ultimate Cheerleaders

Titans Cheerleaders Juggle Demands of Motherhood and NFL

Stacie Kinder
Titans Online
Oct 4, 2012

NASHVILLE, Tenn — When five-year-old Tru walks onto LP Field as a Junior Titans Cheerleader later this season, her mom will have one of the best views in the house. Her mom happens to be Tiffany, a Titans Cheerleader who can’t wait to experience the thrill of game day with her daughter.

“To see the sheer excitement on Tru’s face when she talks about being a Junior Titans Cheerleader will be priceless,” said Tiffany, who spent a decade in music industry as a recording artist before auditioning for the Titans Cheerleaders. “She loves performing, and can’t wait to get out on that field. It’s going to be such an incredible moment for me to share with her.”

Fifth year Titans Cheerleader, Stephanie A. is the mother of three-year-old daughter, Reese, who keeps her busy when she’s not at practice or working as the communications specialist for the Cracker Barrel Corporation.

“My husband calls me ‘Polly Planner.’ I’m extremely organized and schedule-oriented,” said Stephanie. “Being ‘mommy’ and wife always comes first, so I have a lot of late nights and super early mornings to make sure I stay on top of my workouts and my career. Thankfully, my husband and parents are tremendously helpful, and my company is extremely supportive of my involvement with the Titans.”

Although she has very little truly free time, Stephanie said the sacrifice is well worth it.

“Life gets chaotic, but being a part of the NFL and the Tennessee Titans organization specifically, is an experience like no other and has created memories and friendships that I will cherish forever.”

Fortunately, both women have very supportive husbands. Tiffany has been married to Bryan for almost 10 years.

“With Titans Cheerleading being such a huge time commitment, Bryan definitely had to be on board,” she said. “He juggles his real estate career around my practices and appearances, but he couldn’t be more proud. He’s been to every game, every calendar release party, and every Christmas party!”

Both Tiffany and Stephanie are line captains on the team — a position that adds even more time commitment to being a Titans Cheerleader — but neither one minds the extra work.

“Being a line captain is similar to being a mom,” said Tiffany. “I care so much about these young women and want to see them succeed. I have a protective nature, as well as a diplomatic outlook, so that helps with both being a mother and a captain!”

Although their free time is limited, both Stephanie and Tiffany agree that they wouldn’t change a thing and hope that they can show other mothers that it is possible to balance a successful home life, while pursuing activities they enjoy.

“Being a part of the Titans Organization is an extraordinary honor,” Stephanie said. “The experiences I’ve had over the last five years as a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader have helped shape who I am. It has taught me about life, health, responsibility, and commitment. I can honestly say being a part of this team has made me a better woman, wife, and mother. All moms should realize that they can have the best of both worlds — finding activities they love and being a great mom at the same time!”

You can follow these busy moms on their official Twitter pages at @Tiffany_TTC and @Steph_TTC.

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