Ultimate Cheerleaders

Redskins Retirements :(

Redskins Cheerleaders Auditions begin tomorrow, Yay!

But it also means that some of our good friends are hanging up their poms and moving on.

Three of the Redskins Cheerleaders posted their goodbyes to the Redskins website this week.

From Redskins.com

Captain Michelle Says Goodbye

Dear Redskins Fans,

“Hail to the Redskins”, a simple and yet powerful four words that will forever lift my heart and emotionally take me to a place of love, support and family. It saddens me to announce I will not resume my position on the field this year among my teammates but will watch lovingly and supportively from the stands. After 6 years with the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders and having the honor of being a Captain, it’s time to “hang up the pom poms.” It would be very easy to write a farewell novel (versus a speech) to thank all of those who have made this journey so memorable, but I will stick to those who have had the greatest influence on me. Regardless, the depth of my appreciation for the last 6 years, cannot be summed up in one letter but here is my best shot…

Dad and Mom- Without you both, I would never be where I am today. You brought me into this world and then you gave me the world (plus the moon and the stars). Thank you for 18 years of cheerleading support and 24 years of life support. Thank you for all the uplifting words of encouragement and thank you for being my cheerleaders! Dad- thank you for all the boot shining and jumping up and down in the stands so I would know the difference between you and all the other fans! Mom- thank you for all the meals and snacks to go, eyelash runs and mending my last minute uniform needs. As parents, you are the epitome of perfection in my eyes and thank you for instilling in me the insight and judgment to know the right thing to do. I’m honored to be your daughter.

To my dedicated leader and director, Stephanie. Thank you for selecting me!! I am forever grateful to you for picking me out of hundreds of other ladies to be a member of this wonderful family. Thank you for being a great example of how important it was to not just excel on the field, but also in life for the past 6 years. I will miss seeing you but know you are always there. Thank you.

A quick shout out and thank you to the men and women who serve our country! As a cheerleader, I was given the great honor of touring many countries and visiting what seems like hundreds of bases all over the world…to include Iraq and other deployed locations. You are the reason why I kept cheering so many years. Without our servicemen and women, the freedoms we all enjoy as Americans would not exist, and neither would the NFL. GOD BLESS AMERICA and GOD BLESS YOU! I am one of YOUR biggest fans!

Last but certainly not least, thank you to Redskins Nation and every Redskins fan out there! I became a Redskins Cheerleader at 18 and have grown through adulthood with such a strong identity. Thank you for making this journey worthwhile. The burgundy and gold will always hold a special place in my heart and I hope I have made each and everyone of you proud. You are fan-tastic! HTTR!

… And to my teammates- As I wipe away tears writing this letter, all the words that come to mind are that I love each and every one of you. “Once a Redskins Cheerleader, always a Redskins Cheerleader!” It has been the greatest honor to dance with all of you. I cannot wait for the alumni reunions and celebrations of life that we will share in the years ahead. I’m always here for you.

As I say farewell, I would like to conclude this message by saying… All things in life worth having, are worth sharing. Thank you for sharing in this special journey with me. I am forever grateful.

With Love and Appreciation,

07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12

Captain Talmesha Says Goodbye

Dear Redskins Fans,

These past 8 years as an NFL Cheerleader and 5 years as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader have been amazing. As I retire, I reflect on the many opportunities I have been afforded by being a part of the Redskins organization. In addition to interacting with you all, the fans, one of the things I will miss the most is boosting the morale of our military both locally and abroad. Their love for and dedication to our country is inspirational. I am eternally grateful that I was able to meet so many of our troops and thank them personally for their service. I would like to thank my director, Stephanie Jojokian, for always pushing me to be a better dancer and for entrusting me with the role of captain. I would also like to thank my teammates and fellow captains, they are all amazing women and I am appreciative for the friendships that will last a lifetime. My accomplishments would not have been possible without God and the love and support of my family. I am truly blessed with family and friends who have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Mom, Tene, Charlie, Romney, Lauren, Toccara, and Scott, thanks for always being there for me. Lastly, I have to thank my father. This 2012-2013 season was dedicated to him. He was always my biggest cheerleader and is now my angel in heaven.

The First Ladies of Football have a saying “Once a Redskins Cheerleader, always a Redskins Cheerleader.” This saying definitely resonates with me as I embark on a new chapter in my life. I will take a piece of the team with me wherever I go. I look forward to watching the game in the stands with you all cheering our Washington Redskins on to victory.

Hail to the Redskins,


’08, ‘09, ’10, ’11, ‘12

Pro Bowl Cheerleader Tecoya Says Her Goodbye

Dear Redskins Fans,

This is probably one of the hardest things I’ve had to do as an adult, but after 4 years, I will be retiring as a Washington Redskins Cheerleader. As I write this letter, I can still remember my first draft day, first fan appreciation, and most importantly when they called #45 as a new member on the team in 2009 (yes, I still remember my audition number). I have done so much with the Redskins organization and can not fully express into words my gratitude for every opportunity given.

By being a Washington Redskins Cheerleader, I have been given many performance opportunities, the chance to support our troops overseas, and memorable appearances that allowed us to bring Redskins to you, up close and personal. I can do nothing but smile, as I reflect on the speechless moments this experience has added to my life.

I would like to thank my beloved and most respected Director, Stephanie Jojokian, for constantly pushing me to reach my maximum potential. I thank every captain I’ve ever gotten to work with for showing me the prime example of a leader. I thank every woman who has ever hit the field on game day, for I am constantly reminded of the words: passion, dedication, commitment, and most importantly SISTERHOOD. I thank my teammates for believing in me to be their representative as the 2013 Pro Bowl Cheerleader. The humbleness and honor that stems from such a title is indescribable, and I hope you feel like I have lived up to what was expected. And Last, but certainly not least, I have to thank the oh so famous Redskins Fans! Game day isn’t the same without your energy and support. I will miss familiar faces, Bud Tent, Fifth Quarter, the Hogettes, and seeing the smile on a kid’s face when he or she is brought to a home game for the very first time.

So, REDSKINS FANS, this is it! Once again, I thank you for all of your kindness, support, and keepsake moments. You won’t be able to catch me on the sidelines, but you can definitely save me a seat in the stands. I am forever a fan of the Washington Redskins and of course, Hail to the Redskins!!

Cheers and Love,

[Washington Redskins Cheerleaders]

About the Author

James, East Coast Correspondent