Ultimate Cheerleaders

Video: NEPC Meet & Greet

I stumbled across this video just now. It’ was produced by a photography company as an example of their work, and shows a few New England Patriots Cheerleaders doing an appearance with the team mascot on the football field. It plays in fast forward, and in less than a minute you can see what it’s like to stand there while hundreds of Patriots fans pass through to have their photo taken with you. It kinda makes you go “whoa.” That’s a lot of smiling and being friendly, and – depending on how many little kids are in the line – a lot of up and down. You have to be just as friendly and approachable for fan #201 as you were for the first guy in line. Watching this video, you have to wonder what it’s like to do all that when you’re tired, or sick, or bloated, or in a bad mood, or when all of your friends are off somewhere doing something awesomely fun without you. Then again, sometimes you have to do this while you’re an exotic locale for a swimsuit shoot, and I bet in those cases, you have a whole other attitude.

NE Patriots Cheerleaders (Photos on the Field) from Photos In A Minute on Vimeo.

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