Ultimate Cheerleaders

Texans Cheerleaders Run Amock

So apparently every Friday, the Houston Cheerleaders lose their minds. This phenomenon is called “Free Style Friday,” and you never know where they’re going to show up and throw down. This has got to be one of the most fun squads in the league. No wonder there were 1,000+ dancers at this year’s audition. (That’s right, you heard me. A THOUSAND. Yowza.)

Perhaps I should qualify that. I’m sure all of the teams in the league have more than their share of fun times. However, this seems to be the team most willing to show us who they really are. Peel back that sparkly, friendly-yet-unattainable, glamourous-but-approachable, professional cheerleader facade, and what you have is bunch of class clowns, willing to act a fool with merest provocation. And you know what? There ain’t a thing wrong with it. Quite frankly, they’re lucky I don’t live in Texas yet, because I’d be allllllllllll up in that.

In ones and twos and threes, they dance, they pop, and lock, they tumble. I saw the moonwalk. I saw the macarena. I saw quite a few things that probably seemed like a better idea when they were thinking about it, than when they actually did it. Watch it evolve…

The first week: “Woo hoo!” (I’m guessing this was at the end of rehearsal.)

Second week: “We’re doing this again? Ok well here’s what I should’ve done last week.”

Third week: “The building cannot contain us. We’re going public, and we’re bringing props.” (I mean, who didn’t expect the shopping cart? And what was up with the dude in the red shirt? He was not even trying to get out of the way.)

Fourth week: It’s starting to wear them down. A couple of cheerleaders in knee braces valiantly strut their injured little selves down the line. I suspect a couple these girls had their water bottles spiked with Red Bull.

I say if you’re going to go there, GO there. Let’s see the worm. Let’s see The Robot. Let’s see somebody raise the roof. Somebody teach me how to dougie. And hello? Gagnam Style!

Listen up, Texans Cheerleaders! Next week, I want to see the Carlton dance. Don’t act like you don’t know. And don’t let me down. I will be very sad.

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