Ultimate Cheerleaders

MVC Training Program a huge success for Vikings Cheerleaders

The Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders Training Program is a unique concept in the world of pro cheerleading in general, and NFL cheerleaders in particular. I believe the program began back in 2006 (but don’t hold me to that date) and has grown in success (and size!) since then.

Every year at tryouts, candidates are asked to indicate on their application whether they’d like to be considered for the program. During the the audition process, MVC staff keeps an eye out for young ladies who have all the raw materials to make a successful MVC, but aren’t quite there yet in terms of making the team. When the auditions are over, the staff reviews the list of those who are interested in the program but didn’t make the team. It doesn’t matter how far they made it during the audition process. (In fact, they didn’t even have to audition at all. You can audition for the training program by submitting a video and resume.) Then they offer Training Program invites to the 30+ individuals with the most potential.

The program itself is a huge commitment, lasting for an entire year. During that time, the members meet weekly for workshops, fitness training, and rehearsals. They are coached on poise, public speaking, dance technique, dance styles, and much more. And of course they also have opportunities to perform at a few MVC events and at a Vikings game. I’m sure it is also a major bonding experience for all the ladies involved.

The program’s directors, Erin Newburg and Beth Hoffman are MVC alumni. Both were on the team for five years and served as captains for several years, so they know of what they speak. Throughout the year, Erin and Beth provide guidance on what each individual candidate needs to work on to improve her chances of making the team at the next audition.

It’s a lot of work, but it’s a win-win for everyone involved. The ladies who complete the program have an extra advantage at audition time. Can you imagine going into an audition, knowing exactly what the judges are looking for from you specifically? They know what’s expected, they’re prepared, and they have a supportive group with them through the entire audition process. Even those who choose not to audition, or do audition and don’t make the team have benefited from making friends and learning new things – even if what they’ve learned is that the level of time and energy required is more than they expected or are able to commit to.

The MVC staff, on the other hand, have a group of candidates who have already proven their mettle. For most NFL dance teams, the audition process is less than a week. It’s enough time to check a few references, and to see if a particular individual has the talent, the dance ability, the right look, and a pleasant personality. But it isn’t enough time to tell if she has the commitment, the responsibility, and common sense to do the job well – and for a whole year. Participating the the TP gives the judges a lot of assurance in that area.

Needless to say the MVC Training Program is a big success. Not every member of the TP auditions and/or makes the team, but plenty do. The current squad of 35 includes 14 training program alumni: Alissa, Danielle, Emily, Jeannie, Karen, Katie, Kayla W., Kelsey, Michelle, Molly, Rachel, Rhea, Starla, and Tracy. Karen is a team captain this year. A few, like Kelsey, Starla, and Rachel, participated in the training program for more than one year before joining the MVC squad. Now that is dedication.

Let’s hear it for the rookies who graduated from the Training Program to the MVC squad this year!

Emily, Kayla, Katie W., Kelsey
Michelle, Rachel, Starla, and Tracy

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